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5. Passing time

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3. Jon Wants Excitement

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1. You Are What You Wish


on 2002-09-19 02:22:22

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Karyn smiled at Jon's question and replied, "You must pay the penalty for your stupid wishing..." Jon looked a little scared and said, "I thought you, uh, forgave me?" Karyn nodded and said, "That doesnt excuse you from punishment... Now, the first step to effective punishment is to prevent it from happening again by making the guilty party suffer a similar set of circumstances, so, I am going to let people watch you indescriminately and excercise complete control over your form and actions. That's pretty much what you did to me. Now the question is, how..." Jon looked at her and said, "Please be careful, remember that you cant undo wishes, please..." Karyn smiled and said, "Well, I should have let you sweat it out, but in my idealized fantasy... the wishes can be undone, so I'm assuming it is that way based on your wish... Now... Here's an idea... I'll magically put a generic humanoid you into a virtual reality machine at the mall, and let people who play the machine transform you in any way they want, and force you to follow their commands. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do, for one day, you are gonna fulfill everyone's fantasies..." With that she waved her hand, Jon felt stiff all over, then was unable to move completely, he saw that he was now in a small generic room, and he was unable to move anything but his head, he looked down and noticed that he was just a smooth white sexless human-shaped blob... It seemed like no time at all before a person entered the room, it was an 8 year old boy who appeared to be standing in the center of the room, the boy looked at him and said, "Uh, the lady said you would become whatever I wanted, I want you to be Barney..." Jon watched in disgust as he felt himself change, he grew out and turned slowly into the infamous purple dinosaur, he was forced to say, "Now, what would you like me to do?" The little boy said, "Sing the Barney song!" Jon was forced to dance around the kid in circles singing the stupid song, and when he finished, the giggling boy disappeared. Jon once again went into the stiff white blob. A few minutes later, a teenage girl appeared, Jon kind of hoped she would take advantage of him, but she turned out to be into fantasy creatures, she turned him into a unicorn and made him carry her around. The next person to enter the room was a teenage boy, Jon didnt recognise him so he probably went to a different high school. The boy asked aloud, "You can do anything in this program right?" Jon was forced to reply, "Correct." The boy smirked and said, "I want you to turn into that chick from wierd science, except with bigger tits." Jon was horrified as he felt his body alter itself, he watched his body take on a deep tan, shapely figure, and canteloupe-sized tits grow out of his chest. He said the obligatory, "What is your command?" And the guy smiled, he said, "I want you to use your powers to triple the size of my dick while you suck it off." Jon tried to scream but instead just followed the boy's orders, he put his mouth over the kid's hard unit and began to suck, feeling it expand in his mouth as he did so, he had no control over his body as it seductively massaged the kid's chest while sucking his cock, the kid grabbed Jon's tits and occassionally fingered his pussy while Jon sucked him off. When Jon was done, the kid sported an 18 inch long cock. Little did the kid know that due to the magic nature of the program, he would keep the monster when he left. Jon continued this way for the rest of the day, becoming a few animals and doing tricks, even becoming Frank Sinatra and singing for one old lady, but for the most part he became sex toys, mostly for men. When he finally reappeared in Karyn's bedroom, he was glad it was over, or was it?
Karyn smiled at him and said, "Had an interesting day huh? Bet it made you think twice about excercising control over others? But now there is just one thing left to do..."
Jon shook his head in dismay, he pleaded, "Please, no more, I'll never do anything like what I did to you again!" She merely smirked and said, "Dont worry Jon, you'll like this, the second step to punishment is reparations, you must make up for the grief you caused the victim, me, and I think the best way to do that is to bring me pleasure, come over to the bed, Jon. Jon looked at his lovely dragon mistress and smiled. He walked over to bed and prepared for the second stage of punishment...

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