With that wish Jon & Kathy just...disappeared. Chad stood there in utter disbelief...what had he done?
I awoke to find themselves in a very different place. I wasn't old anymore, but there was an odd feeling that couldn't be escaped.
"Kathy?" I asked still with her voice.
"Yes?" She responded in mine, but I couldn't see her.
"What happened?"
"I don't know....where are you?"
"I'm not sure myself."
I looked around to see Chad and Julie standing there panicing.
"Hey, guys, I'm right here." I shouted, "Hey, they can't see us."
"I have an idea."
I saw a light surround Chad's body, then his attitude suddenly changed.
"Jon," Chad began, "Enter Julie, just kind of move yourself towards her."
"What are you talking about?" Julie asked.
Somehoe I moved myself towards Julie and the same light surrounded her and then everything went white. The next thing I knew I was in Julie's body.