"I think I'm going to go to the beach. How does that sound?"
Jon thought about that for a second, and then replied honestly, 'Kinda muffled.'
Karyn could only blink, and then unconsciously replied back to Jon with her mind, 'Huh?'
'I think I hear stuff through my surface, and I your voice is being muffled by your breasts, and stuff, I think. You just kinda sound a little... I dunno, distant when you talk aloud.'
Karyn didn't know what to say, but instead shrugged it off as being something she would need to get used to, or Jon would at any rate. She then started walking home so she could get changed.
And then she realized she didn't need to go home to get changed! She could do it anywhere!
But if her mom didn't hear from her after school let out, she would be in a lot of trouble, so she decided to go all the way home anyway.
When she got there she, more or less, told her mother that she would be spending a while with Jon (which was true, at any rate), grabbed some sunblock (wouldn't do to develop skin cancer, would it?), and left for the beach, which fortunately wasn't all that far away, though it might as well have been since Jon was also playing the part of her shoes, and since she had opted to go without shoes he now had no indication as to how much walking, exactly, was being done.
Eventually, they made it to the beach. 'Well Jon, time for a change. Ready?'
'Not really.'
"Well too bad." Karyn concentrated, and soon...