"I wish that all of this stone's powers would leave the stone and become apart of me, that only I or anyone I authorize can make wishes using this power, and that nobody could make a wish unless they really meant it!"
Suddenly the rock glowed, and then Karyn glowed. Right at about that point, Jon felt like he might be on fire from all the heat that Karyn was putting out, and he momentarily wondered if, because of the wording of her wish, Karyn would glow and burn like this every time she made a wish? To say it was uncomfortable would be understating it!
After a while, the glowing from both the stone and the girl holding it died down, leaving everything visually the way it was before. Jon was more relieved that Karyn's entire body wasn't burning up against him any longer.
After a few moments, wherein Karyn looked herself over, Jon couldn't take the suspense any longer, 'Well?'
'I dunno. I don't feel any different... maybe I should give it a test run?'
Jon would have shrugged, but didn't have any shoulders, and as such only ended up ruffling the lace of the sleeves of his blouse-self a bit, 'I guess it couldn't hurt so long as you're careful.'
Looking around, Karyn searched for something to experiment on. Picking up a broom, she left the stone on the ground and said, "I wish this broom's handle were plastic instead of wood."
Suddenly Karyn's body tingled a bit all over, with Jon feeling nothing but her muscles stiffening just slightly and then relaxing just as quickly, and the both of them were forced to look away from the broom temporarily. When they looked back, the broom's handle was now blue and very obviously made of plastic.
"Well, that worked. Now a not-serious wish... hmm..." seeing a clock on the wall gave her inspiration, "I wish there was a clock right there on the floor." She didn't really want a clock there, so she figured the wish wouldn't be granted.
Several seconds passed, and nothing happened. "Heh."
'Not bad... so now what?'
'I dunno...'
'Check to see if the stone really doesn't have any power left.'
Karyn made a mock face, "Y'know, for clothes you sure are bossy!"
Jon growled and Karyn picked up the stone. Looking at it, she...