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7. girlskin

6. A Simple Solution

5. not just flat *chested*

4. Jon continues to adjust to his

3. Jon tries to adjust

2. The Living Bra

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon Slips Into Something A Little More Comfortable

on 2008-07-14 23:12:50

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Karyn stared at the empty girlskin laid out naked on her bed and pondered where to begin. She thought back to how Sarah had gotten into this state in the first place. The stone had fulfilled Karyn's wish that Sarah wouldn't be "so full of herself". So now she was full of nothing at all. Karyn knew she couldn't simply reverse the wish and refill Sarah with "herself", presumably replacing her organs or whatever. Karyn also didn't think another conditional style wish, like the one which had restored Jon, was such a hot idea. She couldn't keep an eye on Sarah all the time to make sure she avoided the condtion.

"Well," said Karyn. "Whatever it's going to be it can wait"

Putting Sarah's limp remains down on her bed, Karyn left her room. She took great care to close the door behind her before walking down the hall, pausing when she reached the bathroom door.

"Hey Jon," she shouted. "I'm just going to the kitchen to get a drink. You want anything?"

"Nah, its ok," came the reply.

Karyn continued downstairs. A little while later Jon opened the bathroom door and stepped out, fully clothed. He wandered back up the hall and entered Karyn's room. Taking a look around he spied the stone and Sarah's crumpled up skin.

"Hmm, don't think I want to mess about with that thing again for a while," thought Jon. "That was a pretty narrow escape i had today."

Jon sat down on Karyn's bed and looked at Sarah. All that was left of the self styled "Queen of The School" was her skin and her hair. Admittedly it was soft, perfect skin and rather beautiful hair but looking at Sarah's blank eyes and empty mouth creeped Jon out. Jon wondered what was going through Sarah's head right now, or if she was even aware of what happened to her.

He looked at the stone.

"Well, so much for keeping out of trouble," Jon said to himself. "I wish I was able to feel what Sarah is thinking when I touch her."

Cautiously, Jon stroked the girlskin's deflated face with his hand. For a brief second he felt a sense of anxiety and panic. It seemed that Sarah didn't fully understand what had happened to her. Jon placed his hand firmly on Sarah.

"Sarah," said Jon. "Can you hear me? Do you understand what's happened to you?"

Jon felt Sarah's panic grow, but he also felt a twine of disgust from her. She recognised his voice evidently.

"There's been an accident...." began Jon, then he stopped.

The girlskin felt good beneath his hand. Slowly he moved it down to the empty breasts. He lazily traced the outline of one the nipples with his finger. The skin felt really good. At he same time he became aware of Sarah becoming aroused despite herself. There was also a sense of anger. She knew who was playing with her.

"If this is how good it feels on the outside," though Jon. "I wonder what it's like inside"

Jon looked at the stone again. One way to find out.

"I wish there was a slit in the back of Sarah, so i could put her on like a piece of clothing."

As he turned the skin over, he saw that the wish had worked. There was a cut in the skin that ran from the back of the neck right the way down to the once shapely butt. Not wanting to waste any more time, Jon stood up and disrobed again. Holding Sarah's skin at the waist he opened the slit and started to work his left leg in. His foot slipped smoothly in, stretching the skin as it went. Miraculously, he managed to slip his toes right into the toes of the girlskin.

His left leg was in right the way up to the top of the thigh. Jon could still make out the proportions of his own leg. The skin had stretched to fit it. Then, after a few seconds, the skin suddenly tightened. There was a brief second of pain. When Jon looked at the leg again it had become as shapely as it had been before Karyn's wish had deflated Sarah.

Experimentally, Jon wriggled the toes of his left foot. He watched as the Sarah's pink varnished toes wriggled in turn. He could sense waves of confusion coming from Sarah.

Next he worked his right leg in. The same thing happened again. As he stood up to his thighs in girlskin, Jon noticed that his manhood was rock hard. Without pausing to think about what would happen, John tugged Sarah up over his hips and waist. An unsightly bulge was left stretching the skin at the top of the distended vagina. Jon doubled over in pain as it started to deflate. He felt his hips and ass expanding to fill the slack space in the girlskin. As the pain subsided Jon realised he was completely female from the waist down.

"Halfway there," thought Jon. "Might as well keep going."

Next Jon worked his hands and arms into Sarah's empty ones. As he expected, the skin intially stretched to fit before tightening to match Sarah's slender proportions. Jon marvelled as he admired Sarah's delicate hands. The pink nail varnish matched her toes perfectly.

As he reached behind him to his back to close up the slit in the girlskin, Jon was rewarded by the worst pain yet. It felt as if his ribs were under imense pressure. He was sure he heard one of his ribs crack. At the same timeit felt as if someone had stuck a vacuum cleaner against his chest. Sarah's deflated breasts were filling back out to their previously generous size.

Jon looked at himself in Karen's mirror. From the neck down he now looked like Sarah, or at least what Jon imagined Sarah to look like. He still had his own head. The loose flap of Sarah's head and her golden blonde hair hung down from his neck, spilling across his Sarah breasts. Jon could still sense Sarah's mounting panic and confusion.

Jon bowed his head down and stretched the empty skin of Sarah's head up and over his own. Her face looked bloated and unnatural stretched over his. He took care to align his eyes and mouth with the gaps in the girlskin. As the girlskin began to shrink it felt as if invisible finers were pushing and prodding Jon's face into a new shape.

And then it was over. He looked in the mirror and Sarah looked back at him.

"Wow," said Jon, barely noticing his voice had shifted to match the girl whose skin her wore.

Jon could now sense that Sarah was terrified. He guessed that since she was now "filled" Sarah could see what he saw. He cupped his new breasts with his delicate hands.

"Sarah, Sarah, Sarah.... Looks like there was a vacancy and I decided to fill it"

Terrified and raging, Sarah managed to send a mental message to Jon: "Get you filthy hands off me"

"Ah Sarah," replied Jon, moving one hand down to his new vagina, where it started to rub gently. "That's just it. They're your hand's that are doing the touching."

Then the door opened.

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