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6. A Simple Solution

5. not just flat *chested*

4. Jon continues to adjust to his

3. Jon tries to adjust

2. The Living Bra

1. You Are What You Wish

Keep Your Hands To Yourself

on 2002-02-20 13:04:44

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And so, the day went on. Jon got to enjoy a free show, as the schools girls unknowingly performed a free striptease for him. Karyn even took her time getting dressed, so that he could see as much as possible. She refused to wear him into the showers after gym, however.

The rest of the day proved to be mostly uneventful. Jon spent it inside Karyn's t-shirt as her bra while she attended the rest of her classes. Karyn had put the Sarah "skin" into her regular locker and left it there for the rest of the day. And just to be on the safe side, she put the wishing stone into her purse.

When school was over, Karyn went to her locker and stuffed Sarah into her book bag. Then, she rushed home. Checking to make sure her parents weren't home from work, she went up to her room and removed her t-shirt. "How's it going down there, Jon?" she asked.

"Alright, I guess," he replied. "But, honestly, this being a bra is starting to get a little boring. No offense."

"None taken," she smiled. "But don't worry. I think I've got a solution to our problem."

"Oh? Do tell."

"I'd rather show you," she said, digging the stone out of her purse. "Now, let's see if this works."

"Okay, but be careful."

"Trust me, okay?" She held the stone out. "I wish that Jon would only be a bra while he's touching my naked breasts," she said. She felt the stone go warm for a second, then cool back down. She sat it on her computer desk. "Okay," she said. "Let's see if that worked."

She took Jon off and dropped him to the floor. There was a brief flash and then a naked boy took the place of the bra. Jon looked around carefully, then realized that he didn't have on any clothes. "Uh," he stammered, using his hands to cover him self.

"Here," Karyn said, handing him her bathrobe. "You can wear this for now."

"Thanks," he said, slipping it on. "That was a pretty good idea." He looked at her and smile, then noticed that she hadn't put a shirt on. "Uh, aren't you gonna get dressed?"

"Not just yet," she told him. "First, we need to see how this is gonna work. Touch my breasts."

"Excuse me?" he said nervously.

Karyn smiled. "Jon, you just spent the whole day holding them. Surely, it's not that big a deal now."

"Well, I guess," he nodded, still unsure. "Well, here goes."

He cupped a hand around either one, and a second later, he felt himself change. He was back to being a bra, wrapped around his best friend's chest.

Karyn nodded and again removed the bra. After dropping it to the floor, it turned back into Jon, who quickly grabbed the robe and put it back on. "Now what?" he asked, standing back up.

Karyn was putting her t-shirt back on. "One more test," she said, turning her chest back in his direction. "Touch them again."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," she smiled. "We've got to make sure the failsafe I put in the wish works. Touch them."

Jon reached out and placed his hands onto her shirt-covered breasts. Nothing happened this time. Jon breathed a sigh of relief. "Good," Karyn said. "Now, we don't have to worry about a casual brush in the hall causing you to change."

"That's great," Jon agreed. "Good thinking. Can I get dressed now?"

Karyn smiled, going to her book bag. She pulled his clothes out and handed them to him. "The bathroom's down the hall."

"Thanks," he said.

After he left, Karyn looked back into the book bag, and pulled out the empty skin that was Sarah. She spreaded it out on her bed and looked down at it. "Now," she said. "What am I gonna do with you?"

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