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30. Karyn modifies Greg into a per

29. George meets Karyn, takes the

28. Jon's Experiences, and Karyn's

27. Karyn decides to do something

26. Breasts can't wish

25. Breast's don't sleep.

24. Bedtime Routine

23. Fondled

22. A new name.

21. Sarah's influence.

20. Made into what she was.

19. Get her out

18. A response from Jon

17. Not Just Like Jon

16. Karyn Like Jon

15. Be quiet!

14. Things move on

13. Not As Dumb As She's Given Cre

12. The world interrupts...

11. Well, should have expected it.

Perfect Body, Perfect Mind

on 2016-06-25 00:59:26

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Hand reaching into her pocket again, Karyn spoke. "I wish that, while he was in this room with me, George had a body which I consider perfect."

The stone warmed, and George gave Karyn a confused look, "Do you really think that you can just..." George's eyes widened in shock. Rapidly, his body changed as he looked down at himself. His shirt stretched under his expanding shoulders and arms, revealing a six pack and arms with well defined muscles. His pants, although too short for him, were much the same as previously. A cautious observer would notice a difference near the man's crotch, however.

George immediately ran a hand down his new arm, jaw attempting to find a new home in the mantle. "This This is wow."

"Ooh, that is perfect," Karyn said, just as interested in George's new body as he was. Leaning back, she shot George a sly smile as she contemplated her next wish.

"I wish that, while he was in this room with me, George would know exactly what I want, that he will know exactly what makes me feel good."

The stone warmed again, and as it did so did the smile on George's face. He confidently stood and strode to where Karyn was resting at the foot of the bed. He knew exactly what Karyn wanted, and knew exactly how he should give it to her.

Leaning over her with his new height, George placed both of his strong hands around Karyn's shoulders, seizing the top of her dress by the straps over her bra. With a pinch of his thumbs, and a slow and powerful movement of his arms, he pulled the corners of the dress top until it began to split and rip. Karyn gladly withdrew her arms through the sleeves of the destroyed clothing as it was pulled off of her, revealing her bare chest and bra, flushed red with excitement.

Jon noticed the shift in light as the dress was ripped off of Karyn, and he knew exactly what was happening as the light shifted. Mentally, he tried to prepare himself, but already the feelings of desire and pleasure had started flowing into him, and he felt his nipples growing erect against the bra he was still inside of. Each movement no longer felt like idle, calm, jiggling, but as a sensual showcase for another. Whatever man Karyn had decided to use was appreciating his view.

Her shirt tossed aside, Karyn wrapped her arms and legs around the man as she was drawn into a deep kiss. She was sure to angle herself to press her breasts firmly against his chest much as she felt his weight press her firmly into the soft hotel bed. Karyn wiggled her feet as her shoes were roughly taken off of her. Using her own arms, she began to roll the shirt of the man up towards his head as he began doing similar things to her skirt, opting to rip it off as well rather than pausing to allow it to be pulled down over her legs.

George tossed the skirt away nonchalantly, and began slowly pulling Karyn forwards on the bed. He lifted part of his weight off her while planting multiple small kisses on her neck. Still kissing Karyn's necks, he reached behind her and slowly undid the clasps on her bra, leaving only the pressure between them keeping it on her breasts. He lifted himself from the bed, resting on his knees and moving his arms to allow Karyn to finish pulling the shirt off of him. He felt Karyn's soft hands run over his chest as he threw the bra from her, finally exposing her breasts.

Karyn saw George looking down at her as he pulled off her bra. He saw him stop and stare in what could only be described as awe. She smiled, and whispered. "Go ahead, feel them"

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