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29. George meets Karyn, takes the

28. Jon's Experiences, and Karyn's

27. Karyn decides to do something

26. Breasts can't wish

25. Breast's don't sleep.

24. Bedtime Routine

23. Fondled

22. A new name.

21. Sarah's influence.

20. Made into what she was.

19. Get her out

18. A response from Jon

17. Not Just Like Jon

16. Karyn Like Jon

15. Be quiet!

14. Things move on

13. Not As Dumb As She's Given Cre

12. The world interrupts...

11. Well, should have expected it.

10. Sarah's Wish Take Two

Beginning a Fun Night.

on 2016-06-24 04:01:39

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He wasn't much of anything really, not yet. The man stood about at an average height, and his demeanor spoke very little outside of "alive". Really, George wasn't exceptional in any way. Wearing a t-shirt, pants, and sneakers, his clothing highlighted that fact.

"W-What's going on here?" George said, looking at Karyn, "weren't we just sitting in physics?"

Karyn smiled briefly, but forced herself to look a bit less excited when George shot her a much more concerned look. "I can't really explain this well, just think of it as a dream." Karyn hopped up and sat on the foot of the bed, leaning forward with her arms both crossed and resting on her knees.

George glanced around the room. "This is a dream?" He visibly pinched himself on the arm, leaving a red mark. "It doesn't feel like a dream to me."

Karyn shook her head, adjusting her hair as she did so. "No, no, not a dream. Just think of it as a dream, you'll wake up right where you left off."

George pulled out a chair, resting in it as he looked at Karyn, who noticed he glanced briefly at the cleavage she'd exposed by leaning forward before locking his eyes on the phone in the corner of the room.

Jon wasn't able to see much but the inside of Karyn's clothing, but he could hear the muffled conversations well enough to understand that Karyn wasn't at school anymore. Concerned, he felt the desire to ask what was going on rise in him again, frustrating him.

Karyn smiled. "I want to experiment with some things. Do you mind?"

"Wait, what do you?" George's eyes widened as he realized exactly what Karyn was hinting at. "Oh, uh, no, not at all."

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