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28. Jon's Experiences, and Karyn's

27. Karyn decides to do something

26. Breasts can't wish

25. Breast's don't sleep.

24. Bedtime Routine

23. Fondled

22. A new name.

21. Sarah's influence.

20. Made into what she was.

19. Get her out

18. A response from Jon

17. Not Just Like Jon

16. Karyn Like Jon

15. Be quiet!

14. Things move on

13. Not As Dumb As She's Given Cre

12. The world interrupts...

11. Well, should have expected it.

10. Sarah's Wish Take Two

9. "...Karyn was small enough to

School Is For Fun

on 2016-06-23 04:18:52

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Jon just watched and listened passively as Karyn went about her morning. He felt as she moved around, her exaggerated movements making him swing, jiggle, and move in all sorts of ways. He felt like he was going to blush when he felt the cold touch of Karyn's arm under him, saw himself lifted up and covered in hair. He bit down the part of him that enjoyed the experience, how comfortable it was to be held by someone so much more capable. He was a pair of breasts, he wasn't going to enjoy it.

Jon knew that Karyn wasn't about to be back to herself anytime soon. He knew what that meant for him, and as Karyn talked about how he would have to get used to being her tits he felt a dull rage build up inside of him. He lacked the heart, the control over his body, so it wasn't accompanied by the pounding heart and increase in blood flow. He lacked his former mind, so the emotion dulled rapidly with time. However, for a short time he wanted to scream, he wanted to lash out, to do something, anything! Instead, he sat on Karyn's chest, softly flowing and jiggling as she moved his/her body and taunted him.

Finally, when Karyn mentioned men, asking him if he would enjoy being fondled, Jon immediately responded with "no, I wouldn't like that at all". However, as he responded he felt his body fill with a dull sense of desire and need. His new body wanted to feel himself deformed by a rough pair of hands, to be pinched and squeezed in all sorts of ways. Jon's words came out to reflect that fact, and Jon once again wished he could express his real opinions. Yet again, he was only able to rest on Karyn's chest, only able to watch the inside of her bra, to feel the movements of her steps as she walked to school.

Karyn toyed with the stone in her purse as she sighed and laid back in her chair. She had always been a somewhat successful student despite a lack of effort put into her classes, but now she had a stone that made her have any wish she could think of. She didn't need to sit through a boring lecture, or even spend the extra few months of effort in order to get her degree at the end of the year. Smiling, she realized there was no need to listen to the dull monotone of her teacher as he explained the physics of standing on a scale while an elevator went up and down a building.

Karyn glanced across the room, mentally picking out which person caught her eye. She considered the popular ones, well liked and adored by many. However, as Karyn glanced around the room, a better idea struck her, A brilliant one. "I wish me and George were alone in our own private hotel suite".

The stone warmed in her hand, and Karyn felt disoriented for a time, her vision going dark. When the nausea faded and her vision returned, she opened her eyes to a luxurious hotel room. George stood in front of her, disoriented looking and confused.

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