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25. Breast's don't sleep.

24. Bedtime Routine

23. Fondled

22. A new name.

21. Sarah's influence.

20. Made into what she was.

19. Get her out

18. A response from Jon

17. Not Just Like Jon

16. Karyn Like Jon

15. Be quiet!

14. Things move on

13. Not As Dumb As She's Given Cre

12. The world interrupts...

11. Well, should have expected it.

10. Sarah's Wish Take Two

9. "...Karyn was small enough to

8. Just a dream

7. Oops! (The one you'd think I'd

6. Sarah thanks Karyn...

Night Begins

on 2016-05-12 20:11:08

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Jon wasn't able to fall asleep.

His body laid out across Karyn's chest, slowly rising and falling under her loose shirt and a heavy blanket, Jon wasn't able to tune out the world, close his eyes, or even relax. Really, he wasn't tired either, but as fifteen minutes of silence passed, with only the slow moving of the woman's chest under him to keep him company, the boredom grew excruciating.

Making things worse was that the more time Jon spent loosely spread flat by gravity the more he couldn't help but think about how fluid his body felt. He couldn't help but notice as the slow rise and fall of Karyn's breaths rubbed his nipples into the shirt covering them, the small feeling barely registering to Karyn's sleeping body, but amplified to an annoying tickling sensation to Jon.

Karyn didn't sit still forever in her sleep, though. The first thing Jon noticed was a small shift in his body, the feeling of Karyn's muscles moving under him. After that it came as a small twitch under his shirt, and a cold presence surrounding one of his two halves. Karyn's hand had worked it's way up her shirt and was now gently resting on her breasts, Jon felt the hand a cold, yet comforting and familiar presence pressing lightly into him as if he were a pillow.

It stayed that way for a while, and Jon felt as Karyn's hand slowly warmed through contact with him. The uneven sensation between his two sides was disorienting, and the occasional shift or light squeeze of Karyn's hand on him amplified the feeling. Silently, Jon wished Karyn would stop using him as a comfortable spot to rest her hand, and his mind filled with elation when Karyn's hand slipped off him near instantly.

Excited, Jon attempted to make another wish with his thoughts. "I wish I could see through any fabric Karyn is wearing."

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