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24. Bedtime Routine

23. Fondled

22. A new name.

21. Sarah's influence.

20. Made into what she was.

19. Get her out

18. A response from Jon

17. Not Just Like Jon

16. Karyn Like Jon

15. Be quiet!

14. Things move on

13. Not As Dumb As She's Given Cre

12. The world interrupts...

11. Well, should have expected it.

10. Sarah's Wish Take Two

9. "...Karyn was small enough to

8. Just a dream

7. Oops! (The one you'd think I'd

6. Sarah thanks Karyn...

5. Clothes make the woman

Shower Time

on 2016-05-12 05:41:06

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Karyn made her way to her closet, picking out a plain and comfortable set of nightclothes. She walked over to a nearby full-body mirror and stood in front of it, holding the t-shirt and pants in front of her, and wondering if Jon was able to feel the shirt brushing against him through her bra and shirt.

"I guess this will do" She said, before walking into her bathroom with her change of clothes.

Once in the bathroom Karyn quickly pulled off her shirt, being sure to allow the edge of it to push against her breasts so that they were pulled up into the air and bounced back into place as the shirt left them. Feeling the cold air on her skin, Karyn turned the shower on to allow it to grow warm, and took a moment to enjoy the peaceful sounds as the steam of the hot water filled the room.

After the teleportation Jon was only able to sit in silence as Karyn moved about her room. He could feel her arms moving around him, jostling his soft form, and he could feel his body leaning and jiggling in it's tight constraints as Karyn leaned and shifted position. His experience as Karyn's bra was similar, but he didn't have nearly as much intimacy with the workings of Karyn's body as he did now. Jon was at least fortunate that, unlike before, he was not contained under a loose shirt that would disturb his nipples.

Jon was able to tell when Karyn finally decided to head to the shower, the pattern of her steps shaking his body was immediately distinguishable from the patterns of her selecting her clothing. Jon wondered where Karyn was headed, and what exactly she was planning. Whatever it was, he knew it probably wasn't going to end well for him, at least in terms of not being breasts.

When Karyn pulled her shirt up over him Jon felt a strong sense of falling through the air for a short distance, the fatty weight of his body almost rolling back into position against the stiff fabric of the bra. It wasn't long before he realized Karyn was taking a shower, as the moisture building up in the air caused a wet layer to form in his cleavage, the feeling of the liquid dripping down between his two halves discomforting him.

Karyn began to grow restless, some part of her making her consider the relaxing moment almost a wasted time. Smiling again, Karyn turned to the mirror, using a nearby cloth to clean a portion of the buildup steam, and slowly removing her bra, letting the pressure against her breasts loosen slowly, drawing out the moment knowing how it would be effecting the person in them.

As the bra was removed, and her breasts hung freely, Karyn glanced down at her chest. "Well, tits, do you like what you see?"

If he were to be honest, Jon did like what he saw. The curves of what was formerly Sarah's body were undoubtedly appealing to him, and the view he had of Karyn's breasts, lines running down them where the fabric of the bra had been pressing into them all day, was undoubtedly sexy. However he wasn't really happy with the idea of seeing his body as an appealing organ on a woman's body. he couldn't advert his eyes, and the way his vision was slightly crossed, and how his vision swayed as Karyn moved only reinforced his current position.

"I really love being out of that bra" Jon replied, feeling glad that the spell at least wouldn't let him express human attraction either.

"No, that's not what I asked." Karyn said. "I want to know if you like what you see."

"See?" Jon replied, his mental voice sounding genuinely confused.

"Ugh, stupid tits." Karyn said with a frustrated tone. "I can feel how aroused you are getting in there, even if you won't tell me."

Karyn stepped back from the mirror, debating if she should try and get a stronger reaction out of Jon. Some part of her regretted not making the spell on him modified so that she could have him speak freely for a while, but another part could only smile with glee knowing that Jon was aroused by the sight of her.

Jon felt his body tilt, his bottom half leaving the somewhat comforting presence of Karyn's chest. As his vision swayed he realized that, without the bra to support him, as Karyn leaned over his vision, and therefore his body, remained relatively parallel to the floor.

Karyn looked down at herself as she finished pulling down her pants, revealing the pair of panties that were Sarah, which were currently experiencing all the effects of the arousal Jon was making Karyn feel. Karyn looked at the pair of panties with a cold glare, and hastily finished undressing before holding the underwear up to her face to look at them with a sneer.

"So how is it being my panties, bitch? Missing being wrapped around my ass? Get used to it."

Unceremoniously, Karyn threw her panties into the pile of dirty clothes, it would be about a week before she saw them again. Meanwhile, Sarah was staring fearfully into the lonely bathroom walls, calling out to Karyn to please just wear her for a little bit more, hoping that the comforting warmth around her would just stop fading for even a moment. She didn't want to be abandoned like this, to have to taste the soap of a washer, the heat of a dryer wearing at her fibers.

Karyn briskly stepped into the shower, being sure to face towards the stream and allow it to first make contact with her breasts, the strong, hot, stream of water pounding into them causing Jon to be nearly overwhelmed with the combination of pleasure, pain, and jiggling.

Smiling, Karyn slowly turned until the water was at her back, and began her typical showering routine.

Jon didn't have much more to do than stare at the wall of the shower as he slowly moved in sync with Karyn. The feeling the water pounding on his form was extreme enough for the day, and he found himself hoping that Karyn wouldn't turn around again. He felt as water got all over his small body, getting between the area between him and Karyn and making him feel overall slick and slippery as he moved on her chest while she washed herself.

When Karyn began to was him, he couldn't do much but focus on just how incredibly scratchy and uncomfortable the edges of the towel Karyn was using to wash felt to his soft skin. He was growing used to the way his body would just flow and move whenever it was pushed around, but when that towel worked it's way under his form, or between the two halves of him Jon felt himself grow uncomfortable, even though the clean sensation he felt afterwards was one he welcomed fully after being trapped in that bra.

Finally, the shower was over and Karyn drying off with a towel before smiling as she roughly tweaked her nipples as she stood in front of the mirror, feeling the healthy flow of Jon's arousal into her as she did so. She toyed with her breasts for a while in front of the mirror, before throwing on her shirt and doing a few short hops for good luck. Finally, Karyn left the bathroom, throwing her clothes from the day into a laundry hamper and settling into bed. Tucking the stone under her pillow, Karyn laid down and closed her eyes.

Jon watched as Karyn toyed with him in the mirror, and he was nearly screaming for her to continue when she dropped her shirt around him and stopped paying any attention to her breasts. The sharp impacts and intense movement from her number of hops did much to get Jon out of his excitement, but also served to make his already erect nipples even more sensitive to touch.

Jon felt his body, most importantly his nipples, scraping against Karyn's shirt as she walked to her bed. He couldn't help but think to himself as she walked about how much he wished he was in a bra again. When Karyn finally laid down, he felt the force of gravity pulling him into a set of flat disks on Karyn's chest, and felt as the heartbeat of the woman slowed as she fell asleep.

However, as he tried to sleep nestled into Karyn's chest, Jon noticed something odd.

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