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139. After school

138. How are some of the others doi

137. It worked

136. Jon focuses on his plan

135. How Karyn's spending her day

134. Third hour epiphany

133. On with the day

132. Knockout

131. Getting to class

130. The next morning

129. Meeting the new Sofia

128. Jon slips into Zoe's room

127. An unexpected encounter

126. Jon wakes up

125. Jon keeps his promise

124. Fixing the mess

123. Jon is caught

122. Six people, two bodies, one de

121. After class

120. Desperate times call for...

Chick for a Dick: "Normal" After School

on 2019-02-24 15:59:08

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As the final bell rang, the school erupted into a flurry of activity. Most of the students and teachers rushed to gather their belongings and depart, happy to have an afternoon of freedom. Not everyone, however, was free to leave at the end of the day. Aubrey trudged into Mr. Byers’ classroom, a sneer coming to her face as she spotted Grace already sitting at a desk. The second girl returned the expression before turning up her nose and looking away.

“Alright, girls,” Mr. Byers said as he looked up at the clock on the wall. “Your detention begins now. Half an hour, no phones, no talking. You’re free to go after that. Aubrey, please take a seat.” Aubrey said nothing, but strolled down the aisle between the rows off desks, her ass swaying sexily in front of her. She walked past Grace and approached a desk further to the front of the class before lifting her leg up and straddling the seat. She knew that this caused her pussy to be fully exposed to Grace, just as she knew the response it would illicit from her.

What Aubrey did not realize was the changes that had warped the two girls’ bodies. It had started the past weekend when Grace had wished everyone could see how “ass-backwards” Aubrey was. This altered Aubrey so that her body from the waist down was now backwards, with her ass in front and her legs facing behind her. While Aubrey was unaware of her transformation, an errant wish while under the effects of Jon’s questioning power had enacted her revenge upon her wisher. Grace’s tongue was now an amalgamation of a normal tongue and a penis. While it would normally have the usual shape and function of a tongue, when Grave became aroused it would take on the appearance of a pink dick covered with tastebuds. And nothing turned on Grace more than sticking her transformed tongue into a wet, eager, vagina. Jon had added one more change to this situation, making Aubrey now be a nudist so that she could more easily torment Grace with her exposed sex.

Which brought the two to their current circumstances. Aubrey and Grace had never gotten along, but their demeanor towards each other was much more aggressive than it had ever been in the past. It was not uncommon tor their bickering to to get them detention multiple times a week.

And that was just how they liked it.

While neither particular liked the other, both girls could not help but lust after one another. Aubrey loved lording her sex over her arrogant classmate, while Grace’s new desires could not let her pass up the chance to tongue-fuck Aubrey’s hot slit. The two were constantly fighting and bickering, leading to them sharing detention after school, an enforced excuse for why the two enemies would be spending time together.

As the two sat in the silent room, Aubrey teased and tormented Grace, careful not to draw Mr. Byers’ attention away from the papers he was grading. Shifting in her chair, rocking her hips, spreading her legs, Aubrey did anything that would give Grace an occasional peek between her legs. Grace, meanwhile, was torn between trying to see as much of Aubrey’s sex as she could while also trying to restrain herself. Her tongue was already rapidly hardening, taking on a more cylindrical shape and threatening to poke out from between her lips. Each minute that passed was torture. Sweet, exquisite torture with the promise of what was to come.

Finally, the oblivious teach looked up at the clock and cleared his throat. “Ok, girls. You’re done. Maybe tomorrow you can behave yourselves.” Grace immediately stood up and strode out of the room. She was trying to give an air of superiority, hoping the teacher did not notice her misplaced erection beginning to poke out from between her lips. Aubrey, however, took her time. This, too, was part of the game. Grace would be in the hall, forced to wait for her tormentor. Her stern expression was hollow, a facade to hide her anticipation.

“What’s the matter, Grace? Have a few choice words for me?” Aubrey teased as she stepped in the silent halls. Grace’s only response was a frustrated snort from her nostrils. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t make that out. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” Aubrey said nonchalantly and turned to walk away. As she did, her rear-facing pussy caught Grace’s eye, shattering her resolve.

“Lithen her, you thlut,” Grace lisped around the hardening member her tongue was transforming into. “Thith ith your fault. Each and ebery day I’m thtuck in detenthon becauthe of you!”

Aubrey stopped, turned back towards Grace and closed the gap between them until Aubrey’s bare chest was almost touching Grace expensive blouse. She said nothing, but reaching up with her left hand and firmly gripped Grace’s jaw. Grace’s eyes went wide as Aubrey reached back and ran two of her fingers across her exposed, wet lower lips before bringing the fingers up and holding them before Grace’s face. As the pungent aroma of arousal assaulted Grace, her transformed body responded the only way it could. Her rock hard cock-tongue shot from her mouth and began to run across Aubrey’s offered fingers.

“Who’s the ‘thlut’ here?” Aubrey asked. Grace could only whine around the turgid member filling her mouth. Aubrey’s expression softened, her own excitement matching Grace’s. She leaned forward and wrapped her mouth around Grace’s tongue, an act that looked more like a blowjob than a French kiss. Aubrey could taste the pre-cum leaking from the tip of Grace’s tongue mixed with their saliva as her own tongue danced around the bizarre cock. When Aubrey knew that Grace’s tongue was as hard as it could possibly be, she pulled back.

“The music room?” Aubrey asked. Grace could only nod enthusiastically, her voice blocked by the hard portrusion coming out of her mouth. The two ran down the hall, hand-in-hand, and ran into the empty room. Aubrey crawled onto teacher’s desk, knocking over sheet music and a cup of pencils. She got on her knees and bent at the waist, meaning with her altered body she was simultaneously on her knees and laying on her back. She spread her legs and looked past her ass to see Grace lining up her tongue before moving her head forward. Aubrey cried out as the cock-tongue filled her, inch by inch.

Grace was in heaven. Not only was she feeling all the sensations of incredible sex throbbing through her mouth, but her magically instilled obsession with eating out a delicious pussy was fulfilled. She moaned loudly around her tongue-dick and into Aubrey’s sex, which only caused the backwards facing girl to moan louder. Aubrey began to grope and fondle her breasts as Grace used the remaining mobility in her tongue to lick every nook of Aubrey’s inner walls.

The two continued to fuck until Aubrey’s body clenched and trembled in the throws of a powerful orgasm. As the orgasm coursed through her, her pussy quivered and squirted fluids onto Grace's tongue and face. This surge of flavor mixed with the sensations on her tongue set Grace over the edge as well, and she grabbed onto Aubrey’s toned ass and buried her face as far as she could into the delicious folds as she added her own new flavor to the mix as cum erupted erupted from the tip of her tongue. As the orgasm subsided, Grace slumped to the floor, her flaccid tongue slipping from Aubrey’s sex with a wet slurp. In a few minutes, her tongue would revert back to a more normal shape. For the moment, though, it lay limply out of her mouth and danged down past her chin, the combination of saliva, lubricant, and cum dripping off of it onto her top.

On the desk, Aubrey gasped and panted, her sweaty body twitching in aftershocks of pleasure. She looked around at the room, her rational mind waking back up.

“Good thing this place is soundproof, huh?” she panted.

Grace let out a grunt, her tongue beginning to retract into her mouth. She looked at her soiled blouse and licked at the lingering drops of fluids, not just to hide the evidence but to savor the taste for as much as possible. “You are such a bitch,” she said between licks.

“Whore,” Aubrey responded immediately.

Silence filled the room.

“Want to do it again tomorrow?”

“Oh fuck yes!”


In the grassy center of the track field, the cheerleading team gathered to prepare for practice. The number of cheerleaders had been much higher the previous week before they had lost several of their members to unrecognized transformations. Their once team captain Sarah and vice-captain Tiffany were now Zoe’s vagina and right breast respectively, Vicky was now a sentient supercomputer patiently kneeling on Jon’s desk, and several more had been transformed in various ways which made some incapable of being cheerleaders and others incapable of even being identified as “human.” Of those who remained, over a dozen had gained horns of various sizes and shapes; some of which made for rather interesting and clumsy cheer routines.

Far above the group of gatherings girls buzzed a tiny figure. Samantha’s large, compound eyes scanned the duffel bags most cheerleaders had brought with them. The fly-girl licked her lips and wrung her four hands. The girls usually brought post-workout snacks. Surely they wouldn’t miss a few bites.

She dropped altitude quickly, her wings buzzing furiously at her back. She zipped from bag to bag until she detected the deliciously sweet aroma of sugar. Samantha immediately landed on the target bag, grabbed the zipper that was as big as one of her forearms, and pulled. Once the zipper had been pulled back enough, Samantha squatted down on her six limbs and scuttled into the bag.

She crawled over clothing, a plastic soap bottle, and various odds and ends until she reached the cellophane bag she sought. She used her lower arms to open the bag while the upper set reached in to claim her prize. Just as she grasped a cookie that was bigger than her upper body, her world began to shake. The bag had been picked up, and all of the contents were shifting and colliding. Samantha had to escape before she was crushed!

Leaping across the bag’s contents, Samantha darted back for the open zipper, hoping the owner had not noticed the opening and resealed it. Relief erupted in her chest as she saw the zipper was still open. Just as she reach the exit, she felt the sensation of free fall. The bag had been dropped. With a surge of strength, Samantha pushed past the coarse zipper teeth and into the open air. Immediately, her wings stretched and beat at a rapid speed, carrying her into the air.

“Dammit, Samantha!” a voice shouted from below. Samantha simply took a massive bite of the double chocolate chip cookie still held in her upper arms before zipping off to find a quiet corner to enjoy her prize.


Catalina shuffled through her front door and dropped her bag to the floor. She was so full it was almost unbearable. She goose-walked over to the stairs, cursing not for the first time that her room was on the second floor. With each step, she felt like she was going to leak if not outright erupt. Finally, she made it to her room and closed the door behind her.

The room was by no means tiny, but was so packed there was almost no space to move. A bed sat with its headboard against the far wall, positioned off-center in the room. On one side of the bed were a dresser and small vanity. On the opposite side of the room, a large machine had been set up next to a plush chair. The rest of the floor space was occupied by an industrial sized refrigerator.

Catalina plopped down into the large chair, glad to be off of her feet. She reached down and ran her hands across her engorged udder. It, along with the rest of her body, were fully exposed after Jon had used his ability to make Catalina a nudist. As far as the girl knew, she had never given a single thought her entire life to clothes. What she did think about often, however, was the needs of her anatomy. Her udder was full and sensitive, blurring the line of arousing and painful. Reaching over, she grabbed the hoses running to the large machine as she turned it one. As the milking machine hummed to life, she attached a tube to each teat. Soon, all four of her teats were squirting a steady stream of milk.

Catalina let out a moan of relief that sounded suspiciously close to a cow mooing. She looked lazily over at the reservoir as it slowly filled with creamy liquid. Once she was empty, she would put the full container into the refrigerator and get another one set up for her next milking.

Catalina reached deep into the crease of her chair and and felt around until she found the item that she had hidden there. Pulling out it out, she turned on the vibrator. The toy's buzzing was drowned out by the hum of the milking pump. She smiled to herself as she reached beneath her udder and placed the buzzing toy against her lips. As she felt herself growing wetter, she teased the silver rod further and further into her pussy. Soon, she was pumping the toy in and out of herself in a rapid pace, the back of her hand rubbing against the underside if her udder and causing it to bounce wildly as her teats continued to be deliciously stimulated. This time, there was no mistaking that her feminine moans of pleasure were occasionally interrupted by the distinct moo of a cow. But Catalina didn't notice or care.

Catalina loved her milking sessions.


Jaqi couldn’t wait for her next session. As she rode the elevator up to her luxurious apartment, she could feel her arousal building. By the time the doors opened, her top was already unbuttoned. She was both relieved and disappointed that nobody had randomly been standing in the hallway waiting for the elevator. She smiled to herself and decided to push the her luck even more and hiked up her skirt, revealing her uncovered pussy.

As she strode down the hallway towards her apartment, she reached between her legs, ran a finger over her wet lips, then brought the finger up to her mouth and licked it clean. She loved the taste of pussy. Cock, too, for that matter. While she preferred to explore the bodies of her playmates, when she didn’t have anyone to have fun with she found tasting herself was almost as good. She hummed pleasantly to herself as she savored her own flavor. Feeling even more emboldened, she raised her tight skirt completely until it bunched around her waist, her entire ass and pussy exposed to anyone who may walk by.

Jaqi reached her apartment and had just unlocked the door when the deadbolt on the apartment across the hall from her own clicked. Her eyes went wide as she quickly darted into her apartment. She closed the door without looking back, wondering just how much of her bare ass her neighbor had seen.

The situation was too much and Jaqi slid two fingers into her soaking slit while the index and middle finger of the other hand began to rub her clitty through the hood. Only when she heard the footsteps moving away the door did she let out a low moan. The footsteps paused and Jaqi wondered if she had been heard and proceeded to rub herself even more vigorously.

Before this morning, Jaqi had not been a raging exhibitionist. In fact, Jaqi had not even exists at all until only a few days earlier. With one misworded wish, Jon had accidentally merged two of his classmates and his chemistry teacher into one person. The result was Jaqi Pyon, a walking wet dream made of all of the individual qualities Jon found most appealing from each of the former girls.

Many of her qualities,such as her knockout body and deeply engrained bisexuality, were the result of Jon's preferences. The exhibitionism, however, was the result of a completely different wish made the previous week. Jon had wished his teacher, Betty Stevens, would have a different sexual fetish each day. This wish was then imprinted onto Jaqi when Betty became a part of her.

However, Jaqi was unaware of any of this. She did not know that she was not quite real, that the essences of three different women resided within her, that she had not always been and exhibitionist, and that she would have a completely different sexual fixation by the time she woke up in the morning. All she cared about at the moment was showing off her hot body.

She strutted down the hall, discarding her clothing piece by piece as she went. She was completely nude by the time she entered her favorite room in the apartment. It was a bedroom that she had converted into the “studio” for her web show. A large bed filled the center of the room. Red silk veils covered most of the lights, giving a shadowy, intimate feel to the space while setting in in a warm glow. A wall was covered with assorted sex toys and a large armoire held even more. Throughout the room were multiple webcams, all positioned to get a shot of the room from just about any angle. All of the cameras led to the powerful computer sitting on a desk. It was a good thing one of the factors Jon liked about the girls was that Nari Pyon came from a wealthy family, because this setup had cost a fortune.

Jaqi moved to the bed and reverently picked up an opulent, full-faced masquerade mask which lay in the center. She quivered as she put it on, feeling her nipples hardening. This was her face online. Her secret identity. She looked herself over in the mirror that took up one entire wall. She could not help but pull out the tiniest bit of her distinctive purple hair that streaked through the rest of her jet black locks. After all, the chance of being caught was half the thrill.

She quickly sat in the chair at her desk and logged into her website and activate her cameras.

<Hello my darling deviants>, she typed. <Almost got caught walking home with my pussy out. It got me so wet! Want to see?> She switched the feed to a camera mounted beneath the desk and spread her legs. Immediately, the messages began to flow in.

<Wish I could fuck that!>
<You’re pussy looks amazing :)>
<I wish it was me ;p>

Jaqi smiled beneath the glass mask as she read her admirers’ responses. She began to play with herself and watched as another explosion of messages filled the screen.

She was home.


Liz entered her house and checked her pulse on her smart watch. Pleased with the readout, she kicked off her shoes and ran upstairs. Even though she had just gotten back from a 10k run at a pace that would shame most olympic runners, she was still bursting with energy. She entered the bathroom and began to strip off her nylon running clothes, examining her body as she did.

She was thin and tone, a runner’s body. She cupped her breasts, glad that she had such curves with her lean figure. After all, Amy enjoyed them. Thinking of her girlfriend drew her attention further down to the large sheath between her legs. Despite the run, it was a different workout she had really wanted. Unfortunately, Amy had to work tonight so Liz had been stuck trying to work off her frustration in other ways. Luckily, Amy did not have to work tomorrow. And it would be Friday. A whole long night to themselves...

Her anticipation caused a stirring in her loins and a large growth began to extend further and further out of the thin girl’s body. Moments later, a large, two foot long horse cock was standing proudly erect from between the her legs. She smiled and reached down, stroking her massive length while the other hand reached even further down and fondled her massive, sagging balls. Liz began to breath harder, letting out the occasional grunt. She looked over at the shower. Mess be damned, she needed release.

The wish that had transformed Liz had not only altered her anatomy, but her libido and energy as well. Amy had wished Liz could “fuck her like an animal,” and now Liz had the cock and stamina of a prized breeding stallion. As a byproduct of the wish, Liz often tried to burn off her excess energy through physical activities, resulting in her now being an accomplishment athlete. However, she would rather use her energy fucking her girlfriend whenever possible. For the moment, she would have to make due without Amy.

Liz stepped into the warm shower and shuddered as the water danced along the length of her hard shaft. She gripped it firmly and pulled it up, pressing it against her body. She cupped her breasts and sandwiched her cock into her cleavage, giving herself a titty-fuck while she licked and sucked on the broad, flat head. It felt good, but not as good as when Amy did it.

Thinking of her lover, Liz let go of her breasts and let her dick fall forward until it was jutting straight out from between her legs. Reaching down, she wrapped her hands around the front of her dick and slid them back several inches. Liz knew from multiple encounters that this was the furthest Amy was able to take Liz into her. While Liz worked the front of her cock, she moved the rest of her shaft so that the spray of the shower would stimulate her remaining length.

Liz was soon thrusting her hips and grunting primally, imagining her hands to be Amy’s tight sex. With a final thrust, Liz felt her balls tighten and she bent slightly at the waist, aiming her dick head at the shower floor. She groaned and shuttered as thick ropes of cum spurted from her throbbing penis onto the floor, where is splattered on her feet and ankles.

As the rush of the orgasm began to die down, Liz let go of her shaft and breathed deeply. Her dick had softened but was not yet retracting into its sheath. For the moment, it dangled flaccidly around her knees. She looked to the floor and huffed as she began to use her foot to slide large strands of the sticky spoog towards the drain. However, she already knew she was going to need to thoroughly clean the tub before the entire bathroom reeked of her cum. She let out a sigh and turned up the water temperature and began to lather up, hoping the heat and soap might help make her job easier.

As her cleaning reached her privates, she thought again of Amy. She was funny, beautiful, sexy, perfect in every way. Well, almost every way. Liz just wished she could fully penetrate her girlfriend. It was so frustrating to be in the middle of a passionate session of love making and not be able to be fully satisfied because well more than half of her dick couldn’t fit. Liz just wanted to feel what it was like to have her entire length taken.

Liz realized that her shaft was once again growing erect in her sudsy hands. She listened for a moment and did not hear anyone else at home yet. She tightened her grip and gave her length a firm stroke.

“Maybe I have time for one more round,” she muttered.

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