Al thought about his previous conversation with Arthur. What is it like to be a woman?
Al rummaged through Arthur's apartment, looking for any article of female clothing he could find. Unfortunately, his brother wasn't much of a ladies man.
"Really man, nothing?" Al asked himself, frustrated. After an hour, he sat back down on Arthur's cheap couch and pouted. Just then, he remembered something peculiar he found yesterday. Inside a box of trinkets his wife dropped off, Al found one of her old tee shirts. It was dark and ratty, probably something she bought years before they met.
Without a moment of hesitation, Al placed the amulet against the shirt. He rushed into Arthur's bathroom to watch the changes happen, but he was disappointed to see that they were almost finished by the time he could see his reflection. His wife's shirt was definitely old. The mirror showed him a short goth girl in her late teens with long, jet black hair. Al knew his wife used to be a bit of a rebel, but they didn't meet until their early thirties.