In the hallway, she pushed open the door to the bedroom of a teenaged boy. There was a PC , some model aircrafts, and plenty of books, but they all looked like gaming books. The walls were plastered with posters of outrageously-proportioned women (photographs and... cartoon drawings?) in various states of undress. The room stank of stale male sweat and other fluids.
The room belonged to Leonard Drullers, a neighbour and sometime friend of Jon. He was an overweight nerd that was really into sci-fi, comics, and role-playing games.
Blankly, she stripped, dropping the sweaty jogging clothes on the floor. Her sports bra stayed on. Lydia took a soiled pair of oversized sweatpants from a heap of crinkled clothes in the corner and stepped into it. Holding the waistband up with one hand, she searched the same pile for a smelly t-shirt that would look like a tent on her.
Lydia nearly gagged at what she was doing but something in the back of her mind told her it was okay, that it was what should be done. Powerless to resist, she pulled the grimy t-shirt over her head, where it hung to her skinny knees.... for no more than a moment.
For a moment later, Lydia's flesh filled out her clothing completely - some would say too much. Lydia looked as she would if she were seventeen again, grossly overweight...but oddly enough, still female.
The outrageously proportioned women on the wall shifted. Some turned male, but some of the cartoon ones stayed as they were. It was as if a female version of Leonard now lived here, which one did.
She put on her thick glasses, a pair of grubby sneakers and waddled down the stairs to join her new family.
As Lydia was huffing and heaving down the stairs, Leonard suddenly vacated his chair at the breakfast table and headed out the front door unnoticed. A moment later, Lydia took his place, picking up the spoon and slurping her cereal.
"I do wish you'd consider your appearance more, honey," her mom told her.
Lydia emitted a nasal snort as she pulled the unwashed long hair out of her eyes. Inside her mind, Lydia shook. What was happening to her? She was an elementary school teacher with a great body, if she didn't say so herself. Not some messy teenager slurping her cereal....her mind absently drifted to one of the posters on her wall...How could something so wrong as being here like this feel so normal?