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19. conversation at the mall

18. Confrontation

17. At the Mall

16. Mystery

15. Back to Sarah

14. Jon Is Confused

13. Jon

12. Circle Complete

11. Jon's Room

10. Any Clothes

9. Later that Day

8. The Usual Suspect

7. The Usual

6. Locker Room

5. Clothes Make the Man...or Woma

4. The Idea

3. Leave me alone!

2. Little brother's turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Circle Complete: conversation at the mall

avatar on 2016-07-20 15:26:27

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"Are you all right?"

Karyn looked up. Sitting next to her was none other Jon McMillan looking at her concerned. Karyn frowned at her "What do you want?" Karyn asked Jon crossly, looking around to see if Jon's friends were around and expecting a prank. Jon leaned away from Karyn "Hey, take it easy" she said. "I just wanted to see if you were all right" she added. "Why do you care? You and your friends are always picking on me". Jon looked at Karyn and a look of confusion appeared on her face for a moment but it vanished quickly. "I know" Jon said "and normally I would probably be pick on you now but something's not right" she said puzzled. "What you mean?" Karyn asked. She couldn't believe her eyes. Instead of picking on her Jon was actually being nice. "I don't know" Jon replied shrugging her shoulders. "I've been feeling off all day and when I saw you sitting on the bench, I actually felt sorry for and concerned about you. It's almost as if we're supposed to be friends or something" Jon explained.

Karyn thought about what Jon had said for a moment. Suddenly it seemed to make sense. Jon was being kind while Sarah was being a bit of a bastard. Could it be that whoever had the rock had switched Jon and Sarah's personalities? "Why would someone do that?" Karyn thought, she supposed that she would have to ask that person when she found them. Jon watched Karyn who was lost in thought and he began to feel the same feelings he had when he first spotted her. It was almost as if he cared for her, but that was ridiculous. They had been enemies ever since they started high school, right?

Karyn suddenly got up "Hey, uh Jon?" Jon looked up at her "Are you ok?" He asked. "Um, yeah" Karyn replied "Listen, thanks for the talk but I've got to go and find Sarah" "oh ok" Jon replied a little disappointed that she was leaving him. "Maybe we could hang out later" Karyn suggested seeing the look of disappointment on Jon's face. "Yeah maybe" Jon replied, his face peaking up a bit. Karyn said goodbye and then ran off in the direction that she had last seen Sarah.

Meanwhile Jon watched Karyn run off when behind him a voice asked "Why were you talking to that loser?" Jon turned around and saw

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