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18. Hat of names: Livening up the

17. Jon's First Wish Turns Sarah A

16. Hat of names: Making the world

15. Abigail Isn't Much Closer to F

14. Hat of Names: You can't go wro

13. Zoe Makes Some Suggestions to

12. Hat of names: Jon broods, Zoe

11. Jon's Alarm Goes Off

10. Hat of names(Interlude): Where

9. Hat of names: You never get a

8. Hat of names: An exciting way

7. Athena DeVries

6. Sarah McMillan

5. Three Changes to the Person, P

4. Jon Picks a Name Out of a Hat,

3. Someone At the Front Door

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

Hat of names: Livening up the commute

on 2019-01-17 19:16:05

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Finding a subtle way to mess with Sarah was easier said then done. At least if Jon wanted to do it with style. Zoe of course kept offering whispered suggestions all throughout breakfast and the way to the busstation, but none of them struck Jon as just right. His first wish about Sarah would set the tone for what was to come after all. (The last wish didn’t really count. That one had been more about Abigail than Sarah. )
Speaking of their house-guest: Abigail had disappeared to parts unknown. A letter had been delivered to the Gibbson mailbox, with “Abigail” written on the envelope but no postage-stamp or return address. She had given the letter to Abigail when she came down the stairs, and that was the last anyone had seen of the exchange student.

Whoever had inserted Abigail into their life had probably delivered the letter per hand sometime in the middle of the night.

Zoe had been pretty pissed about missing that potential clue to Abigails true nature. Pissed enough hat she and her mother ended up, having a ‘little talk’ about respecting privacy, when Zoe let it slip she would have opened the letter without a second thought. Now Jons sister was sitting, a few seats behind him, tyoing furiously on her phone. Probably exchanging messages with Athena or Zelda about adults needing to get their priorities straight.

Well, at least it gave Jon an opportunity to think, about Sarah without distraction.

Jon had just finished the thought when a young woman and guy jogging down the sidewalk, slighty up ahead caught Jons eye. They seemed vaguely familiar, but Jon couldn’t place them from behind. That and the sight of a girl running in tight shorts and a sports bra was just a smidge distracting to his teenage brain. His eye kept sliding below the girls neck and further south was probably another reason, which didn’t make it easier to place their faces.
It wasn’t hard to guess why her companion had chosen to fall a few steps behind, either.

The sight gave him an idea however. Slipping his hand into his pocket to touch the slip of paper with Sarahs name on it he whispered “I wish Sarah had been hard at work the past two months mastering a particularly demanding cheerleading exercise, but today will be the first time she wears clothing that make it obvious all that training has made her muscles a bit more pronounced than Biff likes in his girls. Pronounced enough in fact for him to comment on it where Sarah can hear. “

Wishing Sarah had gained just enough weight for her favorite pnts to be uncomfortably tight, had been Jons first plan. But making her work of pounds, she didn’t even earn felt petty to Jon. That it was exactly the kind of thing he could see Sarah wishing on a girl she didn’t like, was precisely why it left a bad aftertaste for Jon.

But making her more athletic, but giving her a bit too much of a good thing? Well that, Jon could live with. And giving Sarah the option to get back the beauty she valued so highly, by becoming weaker in some fashion? By refusing to take her cheerleading as serious? Well that was a lot more interesting when it came to making the bitchy cheerleaders life complicated.

Of course, Jon mused, there was the chance his wish had turned Sarah into a hulking amazon. But Biff struck Jon as a bit too macho, not to be bothered by any woman who wasn’t obviously a member of the weaker sex.

But Jon wasn’t the only one making wishes. As the bus drew close to the two joggers (who Jon by now was pretty sure were on the track-team) another student whispered something under their breath, supressing an excited giggle as they looked out of the window to take in the changes to the jogger whose name was written on the paper in their hand.

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