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9. Jonni is Sarah's BFF

8. Jon Wakes Up to a Cheerleader'

7. Sarah McMillan!

6. Sarah McMillan

5. Three Changes to the Person, P

4. Jon Picks a Name Out of a Hat,

3. Someone At the Front Door

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

Hat of Names: Sarah Wanted a BFF

avatar on 2019-01-15 12:13:38

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Once back in her bedroom, Jonni went straight for the stone, but after wishing more than once to know who had changed her, she got the same response as last night when she wanted to know what was going on with this "hat of names" thing that was happening - no response at all. For some reason, the stone was being infuriatingly silent. It still worked, though. It just wasn't any help for this "hat of names" thing. She would just have to figure out who was doing this to her on her own.

Putting the stone back where she found it, Jonni then grabbed the slip of paper with Sarah's name on it. Little did she know, it was actually Sarah who changed Jon into Jonni. She wanted a best friend, someone who would look up to her, stand by her side, that sort of thing. Most of her so-called friends were a bunch suck-ups who only really hung around her to improve their own self-images. None of them really cared for her. But with this "hat of names" opportunity, she was able to make someone into a best friend. It didn't really matter who it was. She was always planning on making the person whose name she got into her best friend. Jon Gibson just happened to be the person she got. And now, as far as anyone knew (except for Jon and Sarah), Jonni was, and had been for a while, Sarah McMillan's BFF. They were both on the cheerleading squad, they both dated the hottest guys at school, they wore the best clothes, went to the best parties ... Jonni was the best friend that Sarah had always dreamed of. The only problem was that Jonni still had the mind of Jon and didn't care for Sarah at all, even if everyone else thought she did. Was it a mistake on Sarah's part? Or was it done on purpose? Perhaps the reason Jonni still remembered the original reality was because this whole "hat of names" thing was created by her wish using the stone, so any changes made by Sarah wouldn't affect her memories. Who knew what the reason was?

Jonni looked down at the paper with Sarah's name on it, and wondered if she should make a wish to change Sarah now, or wait until later.

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