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95. Everyone Changed Because of th

94. Michelle Makes a Wish

93. Amber Takes the Place of Derek

92. Sarah Meets Danny Levine

91. Joni and Linda Talk About the

90. Where's Michelle?

89. Where's Sarah?

88. Early Morning Cheerleading Pra

87. Joni and Clark

86. Joni's Reaction

85. Clark Tells About the "Musical

84. Joni Comes Home

83. Lucy and the Twins

82. Alice and Nick Can't Find the

81. Nathan Duncan, Steve Meadows,

80. Michelle Tries to Put an End t

79. Michelle Remembers Mikey

78. Michelle Finds the Stone

77. Sarah Remembers

76. Sarah Slade Puts on the Pendan

Musical Closets: A Different Plot Twist

avatar on 2011-12-14 22:56:52

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"I wish that anyone who's changed by the 'musical closets' wish that Mikey made would remember who they were before they changed," Michelle said. The stone glowed, granting her wish. And the moment it did, Michelle remembered the rest of Mikey's life, not just the memories involving the wishing stone.

She turned and looked at Amber, who was looking down at herself, bewildered. "I'm supposed to be a cheerleader?" she asked aloud.

It looked like it worked. Michelle couldn't stop the "musical closets" phenomenon from happening, but she could at least return everyone's memories.

And as it turned out, Michelle's wish did exactly what she wanted. Everyone who had been changed by Mikey's wish remembered their original lives (right before they took someone else's place) in addition to their new ones. Michelle was able to change their minds, but unfortunately was not able to stop the physical changes caused by the wish.

When Sarah walked into the gym, she immediately spotted the cheerleaders and among them was Danny, who looked completely ridiculous, acting like one of the girls.

Then, suddenly, that weird pendant necklace that Sarah had put on in her apartment began to glow and a bunch of the cheerleaders seemed dazed and confused.

"I my god, I was a guy?" Danny suddenly asked, realization of his former life coming to him. Then he looked down at himself and realized that he was still a guy, just one dressed as a girl. "What the hell is happening?"

"What's wrong, Danny?" Erika asked.

Zoe was speechless. One moment, she was doing her cheers like normal and then the next moment, she remembered being one of those freaky Goth girls.

"Zoe? What's wrong?" Melissa asked, noticing the look of shock on her face.

"I was one of those icky freaks?" Zelda asked.

Melissa turned and looked at her. "What icky freaks? What are you talking about?"

"I ... I was a man?" Burnice asked. She remembered that she was supposed to be a middle-aged man named Burt Whitefield, husband of Bunny Whitefield and father of Jayne Whitefield, that freaky cybergoth girl. It was so weird, having memories of an entire life as a man.

Erika turned from Danny and looked at Burnice. "You were what?"

"What's wrong with all of you?" Allison asked the ones who were acting weird.

"Oh my gawd. I was, like, as big as a cow," Gladys said, remembering her life as Gladys Brewer.

Sarah watched all of the confusion and shock and wondered what was happening. The pendant she wore protected her from Michelle's latest wish, but even so, it probably wouldn't have made too much of a difference. Sarah already remembered her life as Sarah McMillan, thanks to the pendant. She did remember more than just who she was supposed to be and still mostly remembered being the cop Sarah Slade, but other than that, there wasn't much of a difference.

Michelle might have had good intentions when making her wish, but truth be told, this might have complicated things quite a bit. But nothing could be done now. Wishes couldn't be reversed.

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