With her appointment finally finished, Athena stopped by her house to pick up her books and, goddess permitting, some lunch before she went off to school. As she unlocked the door Athena noticed a girl her age driving a car she swore belonged to Zoe's mom. She nervously fingered the pendant around her neck, though why she couldn't say, and went inside.
Strangely, despite both Athena's parents being at work, the house showed signs that there was someone home, and as she entered her room who should Athena find but Linda, Zoe's mother. The older woman was dressed in one of Athena's black and red dresses, and her make up and jewelry mirrored Athena's as well.
"Mrs. Madison? What are you doing in my room?" Athena asked, utterly perplexed.
The middle aged woman seemed just as shocked as Athena was, but her surprise turned to anger rather than Athena's confusion. "Your Room? What the hell are you doing in my room? And what are you doing with my antimagic pendant?"
Athena's bewilderment grew even more. "Your pendant, what are you..." Athena's thought was abruptly halted when Linda tore the pendant from her neck, and her voice trailed off and her eyes glazed over. Her mind blank slate, Athena lurched from her room in search of new clothing
Linda DeVries inspected her pendant, which other than the snapped chain seemed fine. She obviously couldn't wear it, but at least she had recovered it from that strange intruder. Linda didn't consider where the intruder might be now, rather stowing away her pendant along with her other baubles and set off for school. While she was no fan of gym class, it was the one class she shared with both Zelda and Jon.