There were two piles of clothes in the room. She picked up one of them and began to put them on.
They were much more daring than those a mother of three would wear. They were sexy, but classy. This wasn't the sort of area where hookers on street corners were tolerated...Escorts however, often were overlooked by local law enforcement, and operated with a much more legitimate looking front.
Jane finished putting on the tight dress. In bed, Crystal separated from her client and walked away. "Time's up, dear," Jane told him. "Same time next week?" She said, counting the money on the dresser and putting it into her purse.
Maternal thoughts vanished from her mind, replaced with a certain coldness. This was a job...certainly a pleasurable one...Give the client a service, offer it with a smile, and one would get repeat business. She had the mix of clients...some even hired her just to talk.