She stuck the rock in her purse and exited her room, a bit nervous about what she'd find.
The family pictures on the walls in the upstairs hall were all gone. She headed down the stairs. Her mother...yet not her mother as her mother wasn't college-age either, stood at the foot of the stairs, dressed in a skimpy low-cut outfit she wouldn't be caught dead in before.
The annoyed look on her face at waiting seemed the same as Michelle/Mikey remembered though. Then she realized what had happened. She'd wished that her mother "went to college". Not that she had a college degree. So, she was currently a college student. And a 20 year old couldn't have teenage kids. It was impossible. So, this wasn't her mom anymore. She guessed roommate or sister. But what about Zoe and Jon? What happened to them?
She headed toward the living room where they had been hanging out before the wish.