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16. Karyn Realizes That Jon is Act

15. Discovery

14. Meanwhile...

13. Mikey gets to school

12. Mikey gets away

11. The next morning

10. "Mom" comes home

9. Mikey is understandably disgus

8. Later that night

7. eat at home instead

6. Jon's Maternal Instincts Kick

5. Mikey's new mom.

4. More kid stuff

3. Leave me alone!

2. Little brother's turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn Knows What's Going On

avatar on 2017-03-26 21:05:21

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"What?" Linda asked.

"You're not Jon. Oh my god, I can't believe this. You're Jon's mom!"

Linda looked strangely at her friend. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"But ... if you're your mom, then what about your real mom? And what about the real Jon? He must still be around here somewhere." Karyn spun towards Mikey. "Where's Jon? What did you do with him, you little brat?" She looked like she was about to punch him, so Mikey relented.

"Just like everyone thinks my mom is Jon, everyone thinks that Jon is my mom."

"But wait ... you didn't make a wish for that ..." Karyn said. She knew all of Mikey's wishes and she was definitely sure that that wasn't one of them.

"I wished for a power to make Jon obey me ..." Mikey started.

Okay, yeah, Karyn knew about that wish, but what did that have to do with ...

"And he obeyed me when I commanded him to dress and act just like my mom, and other things. So that must have made it so that everyone believes that he really was my mom. I guess. After that I made a wish for the opposite to happen to my mom, making her like this," he said, gesturing to his mother, who thought she was Jon.

"Okay, fine," Karyn said, sighing. "I just hope I can reverse this, or as much as possible."

"Hey, what is going on over here?" a teacher asked, stomping towards them. "Someone said a high school girl was fighting with a boy. Is that you?" the teacher asked Karyn, a stern look on his face.

Karyn clenched the wishing stone, and ...

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