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5. Crystal Calls David (2)

4. Crystal waits...

3. Not safe for long...

2. Jon decides this thing is bad

1. You Are What You Wish

Crystal Calls David

on 2009-06-16 01:59:35

877 hits, 36 views, 1 upvotes.

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(with Regards to VeronicaZ, I liked your post, but i wanted to go into more detail about the workplace changes)

"I wish that David's wardrobe was identical to mine." The stone grew warm in her hand...

She thought to herself, what would he do now this should be funny... she decided to call him

she dialed his number and waited for his answer

"hey Honey what's up?" hm that was odd he didn't seem to be surprised or in shock at all

"oh... I was just wondering what you were wearing..."

"ah is this some sort of dirty game... you know what I'm wearing you saw me before we left for work... but OK I'm wearing a pair of black lacy panties, matching black bra you know the pair, a garter belt and hose to feel sexy and a knee length black skirt suit with a low cut top... how about you?" Wow was all Crystal could think she new that exact outfit she wore it often enough, not today but that was probably because even if they had the same clothes they wouldn't dress the same... but what was strange was that he was completely fine... more like he didn't even notice... was that part of the magic, would anyone know other than herself... that made things so much more fun.

she answered him and ended the conversation.

This was good, she took this Job out of necessity and did not get along well with most of the other workers nor did she enjoy the work she did, she could make this place over in her own image.

First of all she didn't know all the men here but the ones she knew, she despised as being lowlife sexist pigs.

"I wish The Male Dress code required; skirts with a maximum length of mid-thigh, black pumps with a 4" minimum, a stuffed bra at least size DD and skimpy blouses.

after a flash of blinding light Crystal looked around the office she saw all the men in mini skirted business suits with high heels and breasts (some looked real some were square) she had to hold back her laughter until she got back to her desk... this was priceless, that was when that slut Tiffany walked by her desk

Tiffany was the type that instead of working her way to the top moved up with her looks... and probably blowing every man in her way, she always wore outfits not unlike what she had just made the men wear, you could usually see her thong if she leaned over enough

"I wish that Tiffany wasn't wearing any panties today... and I wish that right now she would grow a penis and a set of testicles, and her breasts would turn into breast forms, lastly I wish that everyone will remember the original Tiffany instead of having there memories changed"

Tiffany was about 5 feet away from Crystal's desk, when she stopped in her tracks, she grabbed her crotch and screamed... loudly most of the office turned and looked at her. She took off running towards the ladies room and as she did so one of her breast forms fell out and bounced over to Crystal, she laughed to herself as she heard the rest of the office break into whispers... What was next on her agenda... should she get back at a few more people or she could move up in rank here or maybe just have some fun, at other's expense

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