Jon decided to flip through the full diary anyways.
Next tuesday: Jon makes a wish to touch karyns breasts, Jon becomes karyn. Takes a while to reword things so he is male again.
He flipped forward a week. Jon wishes he understood how women think, Jon becomes a girl.
He went a couple pages more. "Jon makes a wish he'd find love. When the lover ends up being male he wishes he wasn't gay and becomes a girl,"
a couple pages more. "Jon wishes he had five dollars, becomes a girl with five dollars in her purse."
What the heck!?!
A couple more pages. "Jon wishes he wouldn't become a girl. the stone interprets that by making it so he was always a girl thus will not become one as he was one to start with."
a couple pages more. "Jon wishes he was male and always male, Stone makes him a girl anyways redefining reality so girls are the new male.
Jon turned to the store owner and said. "What nonsense is this, every page says I become a girl!"
The store owner chuckles and said. "I can offer you a deal on potions that can turn you into a guy again if you need them."