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9. Dressing for the job

8. The introductory cut-scene

7. Life will be one big game for

6. Jon got a free show, so Sarah

5. Don't Look

4. All gone

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Dressing for the job

on 2018-11-08 17:20:56

3647 hits, 235 views, 4 upvotes.

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The screen zoomed in to focus on Jons face “Once the game begins Phantasm Inc. will introduce several heroines for you to meet and interact with.” Jon began. The dissonance between the cheery tone and his own mood, made it even harder to think of it as his own voice. “ Once you have encountered a girl you can use this menu to edit her. The options wil seem very basic at first, but don’t give up. Raising her affection will unlock new options unique to each of them. So go out there and experiment.”

The screen zoomed out again, to display Jons entire body as he continued “The most basic option is ‘Wardrobe’. ” A button labeled ‘Wardrobe’ appeared, as Jon looked down at himself before exclaiming “And it seems I forgot to change into my work uniform. That just won’t do.” She gave the camera an apologetic smile “Could you help me out?”

Jon waited patiently until the mysterious player realized that the tutorial wouldn’t go on until he clocked the button. Once he did Jon led the camera over towards the wardrobe, throwing open the doors to it’s pitch black interior with a dramatic flourish. Over the next thirty seconds Jon gave a short explanation of all the different options that popped up on the screen before uttering the sentence he had been dreading. “So try it out. Replace the ‘Casual’-set in the ‘Work’-tab with the ‘Guide Uniform’-set. ” Out of the corner of his eye he could see a message opening up on screen ‘Guide Uniform unlocked’.

When the player followed the request Jon stuck his hands into the inky blackness inside to retrieve a large flat carton.

“Time for you to see what it is like to be ogled, sweetheart. ” Sarah cooed, her tone saying volumes about what kind of uniform to expect. But when Jon set the carton down on the bed and removed the lid he was surprised to see that the dark blue jacket and shirt lying on top seemed very …well normal. The skirt he found beneath when he took them out made him wince mentally, but it wasn’t ridiculously short or anything. Jon didn’t understand why Sarah kept snickering into his ear until he realized what was expected of him next.

For the first time since he had found himself in this room Jon, tried to resist the Toriko-persona in earnest. Acting on autopilot had been disconcerting, but it had given Jon time to think as he tried to come to grips with the situation while his body moved and spoke with a mind of it’s own. But now…… Jon felt himself slip out of the house-shoes he had been wearing as his hands started to nestle with the zipper of his jeans. There’d be no instant change of clothes in this game.
Jon inwardly sagged with relief as he saw the camera turn the other way out of the corner of his eye, as soon as he started to slide down his pants.

“Seems our guy is bashful.” Sarah huffed “Well lets see how long it takes for him to grow a pair and enjoy the show. ” “Seems our guy is bashful.” Sarah huffed “Well lets see how long it takes for him to grow a pair and enjoy the show. ”

Jon knew some new kind of humiliation was headed his way as Sarah murmured "Come to think of it.....".
He hastily shrugged out of his t-shirt, if he could get the uniforms dress-shirt on before Sarah was done with whatever she was planning he'd be at least somewhat covered.
But as he tried to snatch it up, his hand stopped a few inches from the fabric as the script insisted he was doing things in the wrong order. Jon cursed himself as he realised his error. The bra! He had never needed one so he had forgotten about the bra.

So now he was stuck standing there in his boxers until he put it on. Well loosing the boxers and putting on the panties first would probably be faster. As he yanked down his last remaining piece of clothing, Jon tried to remember everything he knew about bras. Which wasn't much. Jon half remembered his mom and Zoe talking about it years ago when his sister had started to develop. Something about the way they did it in movies being impractical.
'Ah to hell with it!' Jon decided, he'd just hook it on the widest setting and don it like a very tiny shirt. The wire scrapping over his nipples as he pulled the bra down made Jon wince a bit and even Jon could tell the bra fit poorly but at least nothing stood in the way of covering up now. So far his nervous sideways glances as he got dressed had shown the camera remained fixed on the opposite wall.

Praying that his luck held just a bit longer Jon shrugged into the shirt and started to button it up as fast as possible, but when he reached the buttons at his chest he had the overwhelming urge to leave them be for now. He tried again but once more his fingers refused to close the button.

"Seeing girls getting dressed isn't normally nearly as sexy as you boys think it is." Sarah said smugly " Take it from someone who get's to visit the locker room four times a week. Seeing you fumble your way through it is kinda funny, but sexy? Definitely not. So I decided to help you out. That bra isn't gonna give you any more trouble, but in exchange you'll put on a bit of a show when you get dressed ...or undress. No striptease but ...... you'll see. " Well that certainly explained why he couldn’t bring himself to button up further. Jon was still showing a lot of cleavage but at least his breasts were somewhat covered, Jon tried to reassure himself.
His breasts. Jon realized he had been looking at a naked girl for a while now and the fact hadn't even registered until now. He had been to preoccupied with covering up to even realize this had been the first pair of breasts he had seen in real life! They hadn't been especially big, and he'd always thought the aureola would be a lot darker.....

He could dwell on that later! Jon reprimanded himself, taking another sidelong glance at the TV. He was still safe, but every moment he wasted that might change. As Jon reached for the skirt, it became obvious what Sarah had meant by her last comment. Instead of snatching up items of clothing as fast as possible and hastily throwing them on, he was taking care to look as good as possible while doing so.
To an outside observer the posing was probably a lot less blatant. But to the Jon who was trying to hide his body as much as possible it felt like a striptease. He was acutely aware of the way he turned so the camera would get a glimpse down his shirt if it turned to him, the way he put an extra wiggle into it as he shimmied into the skirt or how the way he put on a sock was designed to draw attention to his leg and a dozen other small gestures.

And the entire time he kept glancing to the TV whenever his head was turned the right way, his heart sinking every time he saw the camera move. But to his surprise the player hadn’t tried to sneak a peek even once, by the time Jon slipped into a pair of low-heeled pumps.
‘Thank you, whoever you are!’ Jon thought and for the first time since he had found himself in this room the smile on his lips felt genuine. Jon delicately cleared his throat, causing the camera to automatically focus back on him. “Much better right?” he asked, striking a little pose.
Jon had of course already known what he was wearing, but without a mirror this was the first time seeing it all come together. He was surprised how much the girl on screen had changed. The tomboy was gone, replaced by a smart young woman in a dark blue jacket and a tight skirt that ended a few inches above her knees, a red ribbon at the collar of her dress-shirt added a dash of color.

The guy at the other end of the camera seemed to think so too, because Jon was suddenly aware that the game had enter ‘Display mode’ and the camera zoomed in to give her a once-over, while Jon could only stand there one hand on his hip and doing his best to look pretty. When the camera dipped down to the level of his feet, Jon suddenly became very aware he was wearing a skirt. But once again Jon was pleasantly surprised when the camera shot back up and did a little dance as whoever was on the other end got used to the controls.
As the player started to look at the girl on the screen in earnest, Jon suddenly got the impulse to shift his position. He spent the next few minute striking various poses, most of the mildly seductive, and making faces at the players behest. The camera did spend some time paying attention to the girls body but it was pretty PG. Towards the second half the camera spend most of the time viewing her face from different angles as she cycled through different expressions. ‘Whoever you are. I love you!’ Jon thought as the camera returned to it’s default position.

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