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8. The introductory cut-scene

7. Life will be one big game for

6. Jon got a free show, so Sarah

5. Don't Look

4. All gone

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

The introductory cutscene

on 2018-11-08 17:15:55

3899 hits, 228 views, 5 upvotes.

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Jon wondered briefly what Sarah meant, before realizing he had instinctively assumed the same pose as the girl in the title. He knew he was expected to stay like this while the “Pres any key”-prompt was blinking on the screen, and try as he might Jon could not bring himself to go off script. The most he could do was shift in place slightly and clutch his hands tighter against his chest, but the feeling of his wrists pressing into the soft mounds of his breasts only reinforced how screwed he was. With a small whimper Jon assumed what he had come to think of as the ‘default’ position, again.

He was almost relieved when the title dissolved into a shower of colourful sparks and pink petals, and the view switched to a brown-haired girl standing in a sparsely furnished room, looking slightly worried. A relieved smile lit up her face as her eyes centered on the viewer

“Ah there you are!” Jon said with a cheer he didn’t feel, his hands dropping back to his side. “Thank you for participating in the alpha-test of Phantasm-Corps debut-title ‘Akai Ito no Otome’. My name is Toriko. I am an advanced AI and will be staying at your side for the forseeable future help you make the most of your Springtime of Youth. Please be aware that all AIs included in this game are procedurally generated and wholly unique to your local copy. ” Jon bowed, his hands demurely clasped in front of his waist “Please take good care of me.”

As he returned to an upright position and waited for the next prompt Jon got his first good look at his new self. His hair was still the same mousy brown, but where mom had been bugging him to get a haircut, the length looked just right on a girl. His eyes were still a bit too large and jutted from his head and his face too was still mostly the same, just a bit softer. His clothes too were still mostly what he had been wearing before, just tailored to better show of his – very modest - curves. The soft tissue pooling at his chest and butt had felt enormous when he first became aware of it, but Jon had to admit he was probably below average in the T&A department. Jon was surprised to feel a sting of regret at the realization the girl was on the plain side of cute.

Jon couldn’t say if it was him or Sarah that made the girl change her stance from standing with her arms by her side, to folding them behind her back and leaning forward slightly. The teenage boy inside him certainly liked the effect. He also realized he could see the faint outline of the girls nipples where they pressed against the thin fabric of her shirt. And if he could see it, the person in front of the screen…..

Jon could feel his cheeks heat up ‘I really wish I was wearing a bra.’ feeling another flash of embarrassment as he realized what he had just thought. From outside only a delicate bluch on the girls cheeks hinted at Jons discomfort as the girl shifted her weight slightly cocking her hip the other way with a faint smile on her lips.

Perhaps spurred by Jons change of posture, the mouse on the screen started to move again hovering above the buttons occupying the left side of the screen for a moment before clicking “Customize Girl.”

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