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28. Cheer Career: Office Politics

27. Cheer Career: Fans

26. Cheer Career: Pearly Whites

25. Cheer Career: Neat Freak

24. Cheer Career: Finding Karyn

23. Cheer Career: Stand-off!

22. Cheer Career: Out of the Bushe

21. Cheer Career: Other Side of th

20. Cheer Career: Safety First!

19. Movie Time

18. Cheer Career: Videos

17. Sarah's Friends

16. Cheer Career: Not as Innocent

15. The Other Madisons have their

14. Cheer Career: LAN Party

13. Sarah's Look So Far

12. Cheer Career: Visiting Sarah

11. Back to Sarah

10. Cheer Career: Motherly Advice

9. Cheer Career: So Sore

Cheer Career: Office Politics

on 2018-11-04 20:51:33
Episode last modified by enfuego on 2018-11-04 22:16:31

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There was a thin line of dust on the top of the window frame that she wanted to ignore, but she was struggling to. If she could only find a feather duster. Karyn’s eyes nervously darted back and forth around Dr. Cox’s office. She had to ignore it. Something strange was happening to her that she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

“Something bothering you, Miss Black?”

She didn’t want to tell him about her past week and a half, losing hours scrubbing, wiping, whisping. It was almost a compulsion now.

“I hear you’ve been helping out around school. The janitorial staff is so glad to have someone like you working with them, they’ve been quite understaffed lately.”

“What’s happening to me, Dr. Cox?” Karyn blurted out loudly, and instantly felt sick. An unfamiliar tinge of embarrassment welled up from her chest.

“We’re giving you what you wanted, Miss Black. Don’t you think so?”

She wasn’t sure what that meant. He continued.

“Anger issues, a slovenly appearance, delusions, disorganization, general lack of direction, an unbecoming attitude, shall I continue? All character traits you displayed during our last brief meeting. You were tearing yourself apart. Left unchecked, you would have easily sabotaged yourself and your future by the end of your high school career, if not in the next year. So we fixed you, and put you on a path more befitting the weaknesses that surely would have held you back. Aren’t you thrilled? Of course, in some instances, due to the nature of your new career path we may have...overcorrected.”


“Yes, Miss Black. I have your file right here. Your Mother told us all about your interest in the program. Signed all the intake slips that same day. The placement questionnaire and your permission slip was in the manilla folder we handed to you. The one you unceremoniously tore and threw to the ground. Due to your…ahem…decision, unfortunately, you left us no choice but to defer back to the decisions your parent or legal guardian made. But like all our young clients, you’ll see it’s really for the best.”

Karyn’s thoughts swirled. The same magic that was affecting Jon had infected her too. She needed to escape. Who knew what kind of horrors awaited if she stayed in this room much longer. Jon could wait. She needed a way to reverse whatever it was they had done to her. She scanned the room.

“Between us, I was quite interested to see how you’d be matched. We don’t often have an enrollee who doesn’t fill out a questionnaire. But I can’t say I’m not surprised. Our system really does have a way of smoothing out people’s…how do you say… rugueux edges? Or for you, is it rugueuse ? I could never remember those masculine and feminine tenses."

"You’re probably feeling very angry right now. I can see it behind your eyes. But I doubt you’ll be able to vocalize it now, or ever. Lucky you, you are blossoming into a petite fleur of manners, etiquette, and decorum! It’s going to be quite a remarkable ride. Look at how your hands are folded already. So demure! ”

The confusion lifted for just a moment. Enough for Karyn to speak up. “This needs to stop, Dr. Cox. My friends, my family, they’re not your playthings. Jon Gibson is my friend. Not some perma-smile, blonde, beauty queen.”

Behind him a stout, blocky machine hummed to life. Lights blinked. A readout began spitting onto the floor.

But that’s where you’re wrong Madamoiselle. Mr…ahem, Miss Gibson is all those things, or at least, in the process of becoming them as a well-adjusted, contributing professional in the selected field.”

“Oh that reminds me. I have something for you. Part of what our system calls the physical adjustment phase .” Dr. Cox opened a drawer and pulled out a plain white gift box. It was long and narrow, about the width of a iPad. A few inches tall. Light. He handed it to Karyn.

“Why don’t you open it? I’m sure you’ll feel better when you do.” She didn’t want to touch the box, let alone open it. “You’re going to love it, I promise.”

It’s really easiest if you just let it happen, Karyn. Fighting your true calling only makes things harder for you. We aren’t here to hurt you, It’s for the best.

She slowly wiggled the top of the box, pulling it off gingerly.

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