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832. Iridescent Sun: Jeff and the G

831. Iridescent Sun: Ghostly witnes

830. A Short Summary on Julian's Da

829. Iridescent Sun: The cost of ma

828. Julian struggles...

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824. Iridescent Sun: Julian licks h

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820. Things begin to come together.

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816. Iridescent Sun: Darkness

815. When Someone with a Big Secret

814. Ricky tries to minimize the fa

813. Iridescent Sun: Morgan's paren

Iridescent Sun: Jeff and the Golden Egg

on 2013-02-15 23:55:10

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Jeff walked alone in the dark, as he absconded from school. The night wind picked up, and for a moment he was reminded of his horrible dream again- but it was just a dream. Nothing more. Obviously just cause by the stress of what happened to Belle. Damn it he did love her.. but now he was just supposed to forget about it?

He walked alone as his thoughts cycled.

He had not been alone like this in many years since meeting his girlfriend. It was one of those awkward meetings he recalled. She literally bumped into him, hurling a muffin onto his shirt. He was annoyed but then struck by how pretty and innocent she was. He always thought she was just one of those air-headed girls, but the more they talked... there was a depth to her that most didn't notice. He helped her with her dyslexic condition, doing all he could.

Ugh.. he had to forget her.

It was over now.

He went to the shops, looking around. There was nothing he really wanted to buy, and he didn't feel hungry. Idly, he went to the area in his dream where he thought some kind of watchmaker shop had to be. He turned the corner- but there was just a brick wall there.

Jeff looked at the wall curiously, pressing his hand onto it. It certainly felt... solid. " must have imagined he," He thought. He didn't even know any shop would be here, when he thought about it. Still something felt off.. he pressed his ear to the wall, and could swear he heard... something. But it was too far away, and it was fading away. He also smelled... something spicy? No, it was just on the edge of his senses.

The young teen frowned a bit and let it go. "Weird," He thought with a shrug. Glancing at his watch, he realised he best head home if he didn't want to get caught in the sunlight.

The journey home was equally as uneventful. Once near the mansion he decided to check his pool, somewhat curious to see how Wanda was doing. His smart-phone had a torch light on it, so he used that to have a look at the dark water. The mermaid was of course, sleeping. He smiled a little looking at her. Jeff couldn't really begrudge Ricky for being in some way curious about her. She was pretty.. in a freakish kind of way.

Then the teen saw something and he gasped. At the bottom of the pool, something was shining from the light of the torch. "An... an egg?" He whispered. No wonder Wanda looked unwell. Jeff didn't really know what possessed him, but he was so curious he had to get it. Fortunately, it was in the corner of the pool, and was caught on the steps.

Jeff took off his clothes to his underwear, and very slowly submerged himself in the cold water. He shivered briefly, but Wanda made no move sleeping soundly at the far end of the pool. He dived, using the steps to push against, and quickly grabbed the egg needing to hold it in two hands. It was difficult, but he managed to get the egg to the side of the pool.

Shivering, he jumped out of the water, as the breeze picked up again. He had to get inside. He grabbed his clothes and briskly moved to the patio, clutching the large golden egg in his bundle of clothing.

He ran up to his room, turned up the heating, and towelled himself off. Finally, he was in a position to admire his new treasure as he placed it on his bed. "Beautiful," He said mesmerised by the strange golden colour. It wasn't just a solid block of yellow. It had strange swirls of white and blue, mixing like a whirlpool. It was also a huge egg. He had never seen anything so large as this. It.. also seemed to take his mind away somewhat from his recent loss. "Maybe there is some kind of balance in the world," he thought. His father often said that. The world will provide a way to make a lot of money at the strangest of times...

He put the details of the Egg on E-bay. "Genuine Mermaid Egg." he wrote in, as well as the estimated weight and size.

His smart-phone acknowledged the bid, and he waited. With not much else to do, he thought to try drawing the egg too. His drawing pad had the impressions of his previous attempts to draw Ricky... something he was trying really had to forget. An egg should be an easier thing though. So he got to work, trying to draw the intricate patterns. Unfortunately he made a mess of it, when he tried to attempt a little shading.

"Urgh, why do I suck at this," he asked himself as he twirled the egg. He glanced down at the pool from his window. Wanda was still sleeping. His phone suddenly pinged, and he got a bid.

"Oh my God," he said at the offers. "$1000?" Someone was willing to pay that much for- but it was only the start. There was a sudden surge, a massive bidding war, as the offer doubled, then tripled... Jeff looked incredulous.

"You're home early son," Said a voice.

Jeff tensed. "F-Father," he said quietly trying to hide the egg under his clothes. Not much could be hidden from him, but... for some reason, his father made no reaction to it.

"Why are you not in school?"

"I.. felt unwell," admitted Jeff.

"Hm... and that girlfriend of yours?" his father probed.

"G-Gone," admitted Jeff.

Jeff's father looked at him, then smiled very slightly. "Good. She... was not right for you son," he said.

"How the hell would you know?!" Jeff said loosing his temper.

"My success speaks for itself boy. I know exactly how everything works..." He said coldly. "Why do you think I am divorcing your mother at this juncture?"

Jeff sighed a bit. This was not news to him... "Tell me," he said in the end. He might as well hear.

"I only had her for one reason. To have you. She in return, had many years of a comfortable life with my... company." He said with a shrug.

"Then why didn't you divorce when I was born if that's all you wanted?" said Jeff already hating this. It was a reminder that he was just... an asset of his father. Just another 'thing'. An heir to his company, to some day mould. His entire life, was already written.

"Son, I think you are smart enough to understand. Why would I do that, and be forced to hand you over, and pay maintenance fees to boot? In the courts, a mother has every advantage possible and I would have lost. Not an efficient situation to be in."

"Isn't she going to get half your fortune anyway?" Jeff asked tensely.

His father scoffed. "Please. A prenuptial agreement is also in place. Don't be concerned my boy, she knew what she was getting into. " He said with a swift wave of his hand. "I wanted a son, that was it. I needed her for that. For you."

Jeff sat on a chair, swivelling his desk. He didn't really want to think about it. His father had an affection for his wife, but it was all just for him. Just for him to exist... that was it.

"Oh... do be careful of the changed son... they are a resource to be used, nothing more. If they get changed into a centaur, you put a harness on them," he said grinning. "That reminds me.. I've got a few interviews to get though tomorrow... I expect you back in school."

Jeff was still reeling as he thought of his future. "...I'll make my own fortune," he whispered.

His father glanced back. "I'm sure you will son... money makes money. How can you not, with all this? "

Jeff almost growled. "No... I'll make it all myself."

His phone pinged again, as another bid was made on the mermaid egg.

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