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6. B.I.M.B.O

5. Brother and continue the game

4. New game

3. The game begins

2. The Game

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2017-02-11 14:26:46

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"Cool what does it say" I asked sitting down next to Freddy and looking.

  1. Pick a friend to transform body and mind for 24 hours
  2. To win the point the transformation must be helpful.

I smiled he could turn me back into a man, ok just for 24 hours, but it would be long enough to find the Rock and..."Make Jo look and act more like a bimbo so that she wins her point" Freddy said much to the joy of Steve, Sarah, Zack and Bobby who were all giggling.

"like what you do that for, pudding" asked, noticing the gum in my mouth I was now chewing. "Wow look at her tits" Steve said pointing as I felt my chest blossom and inflate and a similar feeling in my behind. "Like phooey, I was going to say lets, like have a break" I said as everyone stared as my clothes morphed into a cheerleading costume displaying a lot of cleavage.

"Hehe, sure I can wait for my go" Steve said, I looked down at an obvious errection. "Look the piece has moved" Sarah said pointing at the peg board, what I assumed was Freddys piece had moved up one space.

"Ok I'm like heading home for a bit, back later" I got up and skipped to the door grinning,... What is wrong with me I thought annoyed.

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