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98. Jay and Biff Wake Up

97. The Next Morning: Athena and S

96. Dinner With the Girls

95. Dinner With the Guys

94. Chris and Carl

93. Randall and Walter

92. Michael and Lenny

91. Jon Goes Out For Food

90. Dinner Time at Jon's House

89. Jon Makes it Work, Tom Doesn't

88. Tom and Karyn

87. Jon Leaves

86. To Sarah's House

85. Back to Jon and Tom

84. Jay Goes Home

83. Biff Goes Home

82. Tom At Home

81. The New Trevor

80. Tom Goes Home

79. From Jock to Goth

Jay and Biff Wake Up

avatar on 2008-12-04 17:46:03

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Jay opened his eyes and turned off his alarm clock.

Whoa. What a dream last night, he thought. It was so vivid. I'm glad none of it was real. I can't imagine myself living my life as a jock.

He touched his forehead, then moved to the edge of his bed. He ended up sitting there for a while, staring at his reflection in the mirror at the opposite side of the room.

It wasn't a dream. It was real. He really was a jock now. And not only that, but also the captain of the football team, the most popular boy at school, and the boyfriend of the most popular girl at school, which was Zoe Gibson. He had Biff Meadows' life.

He looked down at his chest and touched the contours of his bulging muscles. It was his body. It wasn't fake.

Even though he already went through all of this the previous night, it still all felt like a dream to him. He needed a little bit of time to readjust.

He stood up and looked at his clock. He had an hour before school started. Hopefully, that was enough time.

When Biff woke up, he felt like crying. He hoped that it was all just a dream. But it wasn't. He really was stuck as a geek.

Sighing, he sat up and got out of bed. He felt so weak, so worthless. He missed his old body, his old life. He always went out of his way to pick on losers like Jay Duncan, and now he was a loser himself. How was he supposed to live like this? And more to the point, how was he supposed to go to school like this? He'd be made fun of at the drop of a hat, just like all the other losers.

"Dammit, why is this happening to me?" he asked his reflection in the mirror, not getting a reply in return.

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