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7. Tank's Changes

6. But the next day...

5. Delayed reaction

4. Payback

3. Narayanne

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

N:Tank's Changes...

on 2008-06-03 03:56:47

1169 hits, 68 views, 1 upvotes.

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Tank was still dead tired, he fell asleep in his easy chair.

When he awoke, the world seemed somehow different. He looked around his apartment but everything seemed exactly the same. He made his way slowly to his room, still unable to place where these odd feelings were coming from. His room looked pretty much the same too, but as he entered the closet, he noticed that it was filled with "hooker-like clothes."

It was then Tank turned to see his reflection, a beautiful blonde bombshell wearing a red leather mini-dress and 5" heels. And worse yet, he felt horny.

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