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5. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

4. His Parents Ask Jon About a Ne

3. A Strange Conversation at Dinn

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

A Strange Conversation at Dinner: Tim Comes Over For Dinner

avatar on 2018-05-06 09:46:31

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Jon didn't know how to answer their questions, so he just made something up to satisfy their curiosity. Little did he know, his words would shape his reality.

"Actually, it's not someone new," he said.

"Oh?" his mom asked.

"It's, uh, Tim. Tim Brant," Jon said, really hoping that they were asking him if he met a new friend, and not boyfriend. This way, he wasn't just making up an imaginary person. Tim was someone real, someone they already met.

"Are you sure that's wise?" his mom asked.

"Wise?" Jon asked, not sure what she was talking about.

"Well, after how your break-up went ..."

Oh geez, they really thought that Jon was gay, didn't they? And that he was ... wait a minute, why would they believe that Jon had been dating Tim before? They were close friends, but not that close. Where would they get the idea that ...

"Linda, obviously, they were meant to be together," Jon's dad said.

Okay, Jon had to put an end to this. He couldn't let his parents think he was gay. Though, they seemed oddly okay with it. They were by no means homophobic, but they usually had a distaste for homosexuality. As long as gays and lesbians kept their lives to themselves, his parents didn't have a problem with them. But now ...

"Mom, Dad, listen ..." Jon began. But he was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. His mom went to answer it, and in walked his friend Tim. "Tim, what are you doing here?" he asked, watching his friend take a seat next to him at the table.

"What do you mean, babe?" he asked. "You invited me over for dinner. If we're going to be dating, then I should get to know your parents better."

Jon's eyes went wide. What the hell was happening? Now Tim thought they were dating too? And since when was Tim gay? He disliked gays even more than his parents.

"So, do you two have anything planned for this weekend?" Jon's mom asked Tim.

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