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4. Jon Surfs Through Channels

3. Magic TV

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Magic TV: Jon Surfs Through Channels

avatar on 2010-07-14 14:27:16

2740 hits, 189 views, 0 upvotes.

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Jon really didn't want to become part of a TV show, so thinking quickly, he hurried through the channels, hoping to fall into a TV series or movie that he was familiar with ... or better yet, something that was fantasy or sci-fi. Maybe then he could figure a way out of the TV. Or at least, he hoped.

He kept on flipping through the channels as quickly as he could, but by the time his head was being pulled into the TV, it was becoming almost impossible to see what channels he was surfing through.

And by the time he was fully sucked into the TV, the remote dropped to the floor, and the channel stopped on ...

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