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895. The Fight Rages On...

894. Iridescent Sun: Giant Clockwor

893. Things start to get hairy...

892. The Fight Starts...

891. Lilly Gets Accepted...

890. Iridescent Sun: Chaos

889. Iridescent Sun: Lilly meets th

888. The Lakeside Society for Creat

887. Jon starts to accept her place

886. Iridescent Sun: Can Jeff Snr g

885. For the First Time, Lucas Thou

884. Iridescent Sun: Jeff's week

883. Iridescent Sun: Week of Lilly'

882. Iridescent Sun: The magic girl

881. Two Women Go Hunting...

880. Julian talks to her mom...

879. Iridescent Sun: What are littl

878. Jeff tries to comprehend what'

877. Iridescent Sun: A large Key

876. Iridescent Sun: Mind struggles

Iridescent Sun: She Didn't Lie, But That Doesn't Mean She's Sane...

on 2013-04-10 21:44:16

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Lucas gritted her teeth at the scene, being too far away to reach the two before the android hit the, well, the giant girl.

"Son of a..." - She said - "Sammy, keep drawing it close, I want a piece of that goddamned clockwork..."

She flew at the thing, her sword now a lance.

"CAI PRÃ? DENTRO, FILHADAPUTA!!!" (1) - She shouted, charging at the being with the lance. It had attacked a girl. She wanted it to pay.

That she herself had wanted to chop Jeff into tiny pieces when he was male was an irony lost on her right now.

She hit the hand of the being with a lance, eliciting a scream from the being - the first actual damage that had been done. Lucas looked at the being, which was already reacting, and flew back towards Samuel.

"What was that? Thought we wanted to lure it!" - Asked Samuel as he kept drawing the clockwork to a specific area.

"That was me hurting the thing for hurting a twelve-year-old, now let's keep luring it." - Said Lucas - "Almost there..."

The being kept fighting Lucas and Samuel, moving further and further to a point.

"Holy..." - Jon had stopped the car as soon as she had seen the giant clockwork - "Not quite a mecha... But it was real..."

"Well..." - Said Tim, dryly - "In the angel's defense, 'giant clockwork abomination' doesn't really roll off the tongue like 'mecha' does..."

"Jon??? What are you doing here???" - Asked Johanna.

"I apologize." - Said Brittany - "But we had to come to see this."

"Are you helping with the fire element?" - Asked Jon.

Johanna smiled lightly.

"No... I will show you. But you must get away. Aus dem weg!" (2)

Jon and the others complied, seeing Sider manipulating some sort of wrist-mounted keyboard.

"We'll have to leave the greetings for later, Jon-and-others! We've got work to do..." - Said the mad scientist.

"Am I the only one scared by the fact that Sider is at most the second craziest person in whatever group Lucas built up?" - Asked Karyn.

"Nope." - Said Tim.


(2) - "Out of the way!"

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