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101. Girl World: Rules are Rules

100. Girl World: Sugar Tits

99. An interesting interview

98. Girl World: The Kissing Booth

97. Girl World: Fair Day

96. Girl World: Rescue Relief

95. Karyn's interview

94. Karyn gets dressed

93. Lifesaver Jon

92. Karyn finds something to wear

91. A bumpy flight

90. Waking up on a plane

89. Girl World: Karyn Explores

88. Karyn investigates

87. A day at the beach

86. Kelli's rescuer

85. A Tidy Rescue

84. He Wore an Itsy Bitsy Teeny We

83. Jon cooks breakfast

82. Kelli's Rough Night

Girl World: Rules are Rules

avatar on 2018-04-16 22:02:15

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Kelli couldn't believe his luck. Not only had the two workmen provided him an unexpected opportunity to bulk up, have a big manly chest (albeit accidentally), but they had also been so friendly, so safety minded that they gave Kelli a full check-up before he left their work site. Each of the two men had taken turns feeling his new chest, rubbing it, massaging it, one of them even spent some time sucking and licking the nipples. It was all so wonderful, so pleasurable, not just because of the warmth a person feels when they experience the kindness of strangers, but also because of Kelli's cream-induced sensitive skin. He wouldn't want to admit it, but as the big man sucked on his nipples, he felt his penis move quite a lot within the confines of his panties.

Not that he had gotten erect. No, that would have been far too embarrassing. Kelli had disciplined himself during the experience, thinking of baseball stats, of his grandmother's teeth, of roadkill, anything to keep his concentration from what he was feeling. Had he not been able to stop a boner from forming, Kelli was sure that he would have died from shame. He would have had to spend the rest of his time in Girl World hiding under a rock somewhere.

He walked out of the apartment building, his stiletto heels clicking on the sidewalk, chest bouncing free, clad only in his panties and shoes. Unfortunately he was unable to return to his apartment to change. Once the foreman discovered what had happened to Kelli he had immediately closed the lobby off to foot traffic, ensuring that no more accidents happened to anyone else. With a pat on his behind, Kelli had been pushed toward the exit, but he didn't mind. What did he have to hide? Kelli was a strong, good looking, red blooded male. So what if he was outside in his underwear? Most guys would kill to have a body like his, much less the confidence to show it off.

Choosing a direction at random, Kelli walked down the sidewalk, nodding to men he passed, blushing at their kind words (Nice ass, darling!), and smiling neutrally to the many crossdressers on the street. He didn't have a problem with their lifestyle, but he didn't want to encourage it either. Sure, Jon was a crossdresser, but Jon was cool. Kelli didn't want any of them hampering his style while he was on vacation.

The sun was warm, and so was the breeze, but the weather wasn't the problem. Storefront after storefront that Kelli passed had a small sign posted on the door. "No shoes, no shirt, no service." Kelli's heart dropped. He loved showing off his body! If he was going to get the maximum enjoyment of his holiday, though, he would have to bend to the rules and get dressed.

"Fine," he muttered to himself, noting a nearby clothing store, "I'll get dressed."

He walked to the door, put his hand on the handle, and paused. Suddenly filled with a Devil-May-Care attitude, Kelli turned toward the crowded street, lifted his hands over his head, and displayed his body for all he could see.

"Take a good look, world!" he shouted, knowing full well that the visage of pure masculinity he was providing for the pedestrians was most likely overwhelming, "It's all real, and it's all mine! Come and get it if you want it!"

He giggled at his impulsiveness, turned, and to the tune of dozens of whistles, he wiggled his way into the clothing store to see what he could find.

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