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8. Jay Blast's Karyn (2)

7. Jay Thinks Things Over

6. Jay Duncan

5. McDonald's

4. Destination?

3. Personality Manipulator

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Jay Blast's Karyn (2)

on 2007-02-07 21:05:18

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Karyn should have seen it coming and after it happened she wondered how she could have let it happen.

Jay blasted Karyn with the device and she instantly became a changed, but not like Jay and Jon. She could feel her clothes shifting on her body as the very rapidly assumed a familiar configuration that filled Karyn with dread.

"Like, you ... you said you'd fix Jon." She said in, confused, as she looked at her tight, revealing clothing.

"No, I said I'd fix this situation. I think being a geek is better for Jon. And you clearly don't feel the same way. So, the only logical decision to make was to change you into the opposite of a geek, so that we can gather empirical evidence as to who is truly better off."

" is changing me into a, like, total ditz help you gather emp...imperial evidence? I don't understand."

"I thought you might not. Let's see.How do I explain this so that you'll understand?"

Karyn felt herself becoming dumber by the minute, and she knew soon enough that she'd come to accept her new intelligence. As Jay and Jon tried futiley to explain their reasoning she desperately tried to use what little intellect was left to her to get out of her situation.

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