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9. Arriving at the mall

8. Karyn decides to have some fun

7. Karyn uses the stone.

6. Karyn Comes Over

5. Getting dressed as Zoe

4. Zoe

3. Jon also known as

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon AKA Zoe: Arriving At The Mall

avatar on 2017-04-09 23:18:07

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A few moments later Karyn pulled in to the car park at the local mall. She looked around for her handbag and found it in the back seat. Smiling she picked it up and then looked over to Jon who was still sulking in the passenger seat.

"Ready honey?" She asked with a smile. Jon groaned. "Do I have to?" He replied looking at her. Karyn got cross.

"Of course you do Zoe." She said putting emphasis on the Zoe. "I've told you a thousand times that we're getting you a dress. Now come on." She said angrily.

Jon sighed and climbed out of the car. Karyn led the way to the dress shop with Jon stomping behind her. Once they reached the shop Karyn led Jon to a couple of racks before pausing.

Turning to him she said. "Now sweetie I have to go to the bathroom. While I'm gone I want you to pick out three dresses to try on when I get back."

"Three!?" Jon repeated shocked. Karyn nodded. "We'll start at three and then work our way up."

Jon nodded but sighed. "Ok mom."

"Good girl." Karyn said with a smirk. "I'll be back in a bit." Jon nodded as he turned towards the clothing racks while Karyn made her way to the rest rooms.

Karyn didn't really need to go but she wanted to get a good look at herself without giving herself away to Jon or anyone else.

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