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11. DTH: Hop 13 - Two Jons Plus On

10. DTH: Hop 12 - Get Rich Quick S

9. DTH: Hop 12 - Meeting Up Again

8. DTH: Clean Shirt Jon and Karyn

7. DTH: Hop 3 - Clean Shirt Jon a

6. DTH: Hop 3 - Pass the time

5. DTH: Hop 3 - The stone

4. DTH: Hop 3

3. Alternate Reality Device

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

DTH: Hop 13 - Two Jons Plus One More

avatar on 2019-07-13 15:27:35
Episode last modified by Lido on 2019-09-09 19:39:28

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The two of them appeared facing the wall.

ARD Jon turned to DTH Jon. "The ARD is more shimmery, with your gameboy thing, if it wasn't for the wall I wouldn't be able to tell we'd moved."

Before DTH Jon could respond there was a cough from behind them. They both quickly spun round.

There in front of them was a Jon holding one of the briefcases. The other was on the bed.

Briefcase Jon spoke. "Oh I wasn't expecting this. I thought it was crazy the idea of another version of me and now there are two of you here at the same time."

DTH Jon answered him. "Well you know what it's like. You wait your whole life to meet a doppleganger and two come along at the same time."

"How are you like different, from me?" Briefcase Jon asked.

"I used the stone to create a device to hop between dimensions and different time points. It's called a DTH." DTH Jon lifted up the DTH to show briefcase Jon. He pointed at ARD Jon and said "He used his stone to create a device that allows him to explore alternate realities."

Briefcase Jon pondered this for a minute. "Isn't that kind of the same thing?"

"To a degree. I can only travel to pre-existing realities, ones I've created myself through my own existence as I travel through the multiverse or those realities created by others capable of doing so, such as other versions of myself equipped with a DTH. This Jon," pointing at ARD Jon "can create his own realities and if a version of him currently exists there it allows him to possess their body. He is not restricted by causality in the same way I am. It really comes down to how the stone interprets the wish that creates the device."

ARD Jon gave DTH Jon a dirty look. "I don't talk like that either and I have no idea what he's going on about."

Ignoring ARD Jon's comment, briefcase Jon spoke to DTH Jon "What is this stone, you keeping talking about?"

DTH Jon replied. "We have access to a magic wishing stone...". He stopped briefly realising he was about to give information of world shattering proportions to briefcase Jon. DTH Jon knew that if briefcase Jon continued his line of questioning he'd soon discover his reality had merely been created to make ARD Jon rich. DTH Jon continued. " sounds pretty cool but it's probably cursed or something. You've got two million bucks, thats better than some stupid old magic stone. Right?"

"I guess so. Anyway I had this crazy idea, I wanted to give one of these briefcases to another version of me. Share the wealth and who better than myself. I wasn't expecting two of you though, so I don't know what to do."

ARD Jon spoke. "Um... I'll take it. He doesn't have any spare hands."

Briefcase Jon reluctantly handed over the briefcase to ARD Jon. He stepped back grabbing DTH Jon's free hand indicating he wanted to go.

Briefcase Jon smiled at them both happy to have given the million dollars away. Suddenly a puzzled look came over his face. "Wait a minute, how did you know I had two million dollars?"

"Bye!" DTH Jon said as he pressed a button on the DTH. The two alternate Jons vanished with the briefcase full of cash.

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