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4. 10,000 Years Later

3. Jane does the sensible thing

2. Mistakes

1. You Are What You Wish

10,000 Years Later

avatar on 2007-02-28 22:48:06

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This was the archaeology find of the century! Jonathan just knew it. Scans had shown that a foreign, possibly alien, material was hidden under the 500 tons of soil where the excavation was taking place.

It was a huge undertaking, but it was well worth the effort.

"We found something!" someone yelled. Jonathan and his team had just started digging through what used to be a landfill, oh so long ago. Ancient cola cans, boxes, and other trash lay across the ground under their feet.

Jonathan ran over to the guy that had yelled out. In his hand he held a stone.

"Is that it?" he asked the man.

"We scanned it. This is it." He gave it to Jonathan.

He looked around, trying to take in the moment. Men and women walked around, some still digging. He looked up and saw gray rainclouds in the sky, above the giant pit that they had dug. A hovercar passed over the pit, then it was gone.

Jonathan smiled, looking down at the object that had been his obsession ever since he had this plot of land scanned. It was odd, though, because it just looked like a stone. Just an everyday stone that you'd find on a riverbank. Without realizing that it a wishing stone, he said "You know, I wish ..."

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