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10. "Mom" comes home

9. Mikey is understandably disgus

8. Later that night

7. eat at home instead

6. Jon's Maternal Instincts Kick

5. Mikey's new mom.

4. More kid stuff

3. Leave me alone!

2. Little brother's turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's mom as Jon comes home

on 2005-12-11 22:07:31

1872 hits, 115 views, 1 upvotes.

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Later that night, while Jon and his Dad were all snuggled up together snoozing, the front door softly opened and Linda (Jon and Mikey's Mom) creeps in. As quietly as she can, she closes and locks the door. She then tip-toes up the stairs and goes to Jon's room.

Once inside she kicked her shoes off into the corner and looked at the clock


"Thank god their asleep." she said to herself as she took off Jon's shirt. "I'd be grounded for a month otherwise." She thought back to that night and frowed. She couldn't believe Karyn. Yet again, she had tried to get Karyn to go out with her, but Karyn just wouldn't cave.

"I just don't want to lose this great friendship" Geez, Why do girls always say that? Then she kept bothering Linda about that stone. All night, she was like "Come on Jon, we should use it. We could have all of our wildest dreams come true!"

Didn't she get how dangerous it was? Linda had told her that, but Karyn still wouldn't give in. "Don't you think I know how dangerous it is?" Karyn had said refering to her huge tits.

By now, Linda was only wearing Jon's boxers. (He usually slept with nothing else on) She flopped into bed and clicked off Jon's bedside light. Rolling on her back, she stared at the ceiling. Silently she began to argue with herself.

I know where Karyn's coming from. I mean I understand that she wants to get rid of those giant hooters, but doesn't she understand that it could be so much worse? I mean, if she wishes not to have huge tits, something crazy could happen like her becoming a guy or something. Linda chuckled at this, "Man, that would be crazy"

But then she sighed. rolling over on her chest, she reached over to Jon's nightstand and opened the drawer. She reached for the box and pulled it out and set it on Jon's pillow. Pulling herself up on her elbows she laid there for a moment, just looking at the box.

Should she make a wish? Her heart was pumping as all the ideas flashed through her mind: money, power, being able to live on her own, having Karyn as a girlfriend, being atractive to all the hot chicks, having a larger wang that would make ANY woman want her, including Karyn...

"Ok, that's it," She said to herself, "I'm going to do it. I'm going to take her advise and use the stone."

Sitting up, Linda grasped the box with one hand and flipped the top off with the other. She closed it again. Then she opened it again. "No. No, this can't be." She flung the box aside and pulled out the drawer to the nightstand. She examined the whole thing lookinf for the rock, then the other drawers, then behind the nightstand, then under Jon's bed...

She tore Jon's room apart trying to find it, but it was to no avail. Her heart was beating frantically. "God, where could it be!?" Finally she gave up for the night and flung herself onto the bed. She did not sleep well that night...

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