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Member since 2023-09-04 18:11:02

Probably just gonna stick to commenting due to lack of confidence.

Recent Episodes

"Operation Rock Hard" as chapter 69.

Nice. :)

2024-05-01 18:04:16

On Operation Rock Hard


2024-04-18 17:23:41

On LinLin Does Some Mothering

Creepy... and very bizarre...

2024-04-15 15:18:26

On This is getting out of hand

"her breasts started to climb the alphabet"

😂 OK, that's a good one. I like this phrasing.

2024-04-08 08:54:14

On Good for Zoe?

Feels a bit too much like an [] at times, but otherwise it's... fine, I suppose. Definitely nice to see a person - especially Sarah - NOT go too crazy with their newfound wishgranting powers. We shall see if that sticks or not.

2024-04-05 18:09:34

On Unstoppable Sarah

Poor Allison. 🙁

2024-04-05 05:50:44

On Lunch food is gross...

"One thing is for certain. Shopping looks way more fun when edited down to just a character pulling back a curtain over and over wearing different outfits getting their friends reactions, played along with a song like "Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne or something like that."

2024-04-01 18:32:53

On Cue Shopping Montage

"Jon inwardly groaned. This was supposed to be his happy world where he could do whatever he pleased. Why was the world trying to guilt him like this? He didn’t want to have to deal with a pair of depressed girls."
Quote of the branch for sure.

2024-03-18 19:52:19

On Jon in an almost girls school

Should've wished for popcorn or a drink at this point lol.

"They should have the same name, just spelled differently"
Gee, thanks for the reader's convenience, Jon. :)

2024-03-18 19:50:59

On Jon messes with Sarah

I swear you guys are gonna give me the weirdest kinds of kinds if this keeps going. @_@

I kinda like how this turned into some sort of dark comedy at the tail end of the story.

2024-02-19 19:24:27

On The Karyns transform Jon


Uhh, I didn't expect me to go this far into this branch, as I'm not really into conjoinment too much, but Fiction Branches once again proves that a good story (or at least an emotion-driven story) can "save" and keep you interested in anything.

2024-02-19 19:07:27

On Karyn gives them a chance

2024-02-19 18:58:12

On The two-headed Karyns find out what Jon's been up to

@lifesmainamtagonist Yes! Oh yes please! I know it'd probably be tough to determine where a storty lands on the "porn-to-story scale" (not to mention the ratio could change between chapters due to different writers), but it'd certainly be a good piece of information to know before reading.

2024-02-19 18:11:21

On Karyn explores her two-headed body

I only said "fix" because JonKaryn still seemed very angry about what Karyn did, so I assumed they'd want to separate. A "subjective fix", let's call it. Sorry for not making it clear at all.

2023-12-25 12:22:33

On JonSarah+Karyn -Sarah+Sarah +Boobs=?

I find the narration PoV changes intersting. It's almost like the combined willpower of two people is strong enough to overpower the 3rd person narrator.

Anyway, I wonder where this one will go? How will they fix this? Can they even fix this?

2023-12-25 04:56:11

On JonSarah+Karyn -Sarah+Sarah +Boobs=?

Curious, most curious...

...oh wait, this was made a year ago. :/

2023-12-17 17:35:50

On The man

Oh, the pain of not being willing to confess something to your parent(s)... 😕

2023-12-16 05:16:54

On Just what *is* "normal," around here...?

fuk go back

2023-12-05 18:17:31

On Attempt to undo

Trippy... 😵

No wishing for information, huh? Interesting.

2023-12-05 05:32:31

On Serious Understanding

Meanwhile I stopped reading a while ago because I got too emotionally invested (which I'd say is a sign of good writing too). q_q

2023-12-03 13:06:18

On Jo attempts to track down Piper

Huh, didn't know that. Thanks.

2023-12-01 17:26:28

On Karyn and Sarah Didn't Hear the Wish

A good start for something interesting.

2023-12-01 14:06:03

On More than a Simple Age Swap

Hmm, I suppose only a few locks being dyed blue wouldn't contradict the wish for Karyn's hair to be blonde (assuming fully dyeing them via wishing would contradict it). Funny how despite her surname, her outfit ironically didn't end up very black. :P

2023-12-01 04:35:41

On Karyn and Sarah Didn't Hear the Wish

Thankfully the wish was vague enough that it could be readjusted by changing the reason why the Goths didn't mind the three girls' presence. The question is whether that would replace the three being Goths or just be added on top of that.

2023-12-01 04:28:56

On Zoe, Karyn, and Sarah Are Goths Now

It's interesting to see two branches of a "whodunit" (or "whodoinit", I guess) story. Matisguy's branch takes great care in making the Wisher's identity ambigious (besides presumebly being a student), while in yours we've just found out who she is. (this was going to be longer as I was writing as I was reading, but then I got to the part where Stephanie reveals herself). Honestly, while what she did here was cruel, I can't exactly blame her. I'm not saying this was entirely deserved and she might just become the very thing she hated, but I fond what she did believable.

"Who are you?"
"You took over my parents' company."
"Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?" xD

2023-11-30 12:25:04

On Acquisitions

An experiment about keeping pre-change memories, perhaps? There's no way she could've heard what The Wisher said from across the entire lunchroom (and if she did, the others would've noticed something's wrong too).

Also: hooray for productivity!

2023-11-29 17:30:18

On The Silent Benefactor

What is that guy's plan? What are they trying to accomplish (besides maybe some more experimentation regarding the stone's capabilities)? And, most importantly, who could they be? 🤔

find out next time on dragon ball z

2023-11-29 04:11:21

On Athena' Migrane


2023-11-28 17:54:17

On A Wi

"I wish you'd (...) never come back."

Very poor choice of words.

2023-11-28 06:42:40

On Zoe Has It

dang it, italics didn't work

2023-11-28 04:46:25

On Kinda like Cinderella

You have made a [i]huge[/i] mistake, buddy.

2023-11-28 04:46:07

On Kinda like Cinderella

Cute lesbs <3

2023-11-27 04:06:31

On Back With the Triplets

I find it amusing how the 4th most "popular" (at least in terms of "children") branch is simply called "episode two" in lowercase.

2023-11-26 18:54:16

On You Are What You Wish

I find Sydney's literal single-minded twin situation quite interesting.

2023-11-26 18:42:58

On Elsewhere...

Ouch. Upvote for the feels.

2023-11-26 18:32:04

On Jen's new clique

Bruh moment

2023-11-23 11:38:00

On Miriam Myling is doing Karyn here, Sarah.

"oh yes and the “real” Paige is brought into existence too."

2023-11-22 06:36:58

On Who Cries For Paige?

"Was that a real reality before that had simply been accessed by the stone, or did the stone create it? Was the real Paige just a work of fiction, and Jon shouldn't worry about her loss?"
A fantastic question. Sometimes, in other branches, I have a hard time telling the difference.

Not sure if this is the most natural continuation of what came before, but it sure is interesting. Honestly, I'm not sure what to think of Sarah right now. We'll see how it goes, though after that speech Jon gave her, I fear what she might do.

2023-11-21 17:21:46

On Who Cries For Paige?

The writing is a bit... strange at times (seriously what the F was that bit about The Ones Nobody Expects? You gotta be more tasteful with jokes like this), but overall this is a really interesting premise. I'm surprised I haven't stumbled upon such an idea sooner - the idea that even the original first chapter had already been retroactively altered. You'd think this would've been obvious in a story with a reality-altering artifact, but apparently not! (or I didn't look hard enough)

2023-11-21 09:34:02

On There's a New Bitch in Town

"Jon realized with a start that the room's large window was dark, before putting together she'd crossed several timezones. If she was in Japan, as she seemed to be, it would be like 2-3 am, no wonder there weren't students around."
Nice attention to detail!

2023-11-17 09:11:02

On Suddenly Sayaka

I'm suddenly glad this story isn't told through a visual medium.

2023-11-12 16:43:31

On Athena and Scarlett discover the McMillans' post-wish reality

I started reading this branch around when Athena became the main character, so I'm actually at the same page as her, discovering stuff at the same time as she does. Gotta say, it's pretty interesting.

2023-11-07 09:30:38

On Athena reads the list of recent wishes


2023-11-04 18:58:37

On Wendell gets an 80s movie montage

"Madison!! Did you lay this egg?!"😝

Jojokes aside, this was NOT what I expected. I thought Joni really would be "an entirely normal girl". That sure is "something interesting", alright.

Oh wow, I just realised: this explains why Zoe was so pissed off earlier. She wasn't on a particularly bad period. She was laying an egg (or three)! And those remarks about Nadine... calling her a "hen", her calling herself "special"... it all makes sense now! I wonder what else I missed while skimming through previous chapters? There seemed to be some focus on the food Joni was eating, but I'm not sure if that's related to eggs. And, of course, not to mention the stuff from this chapter before The Reveal™.

2023-10-28 18:26:37

On Jon the *externally* normal girl...!?

I'll have you know that I actually stopped reading this branch because it was making me feel too "weird" and sad (to the point that even just reading the titles triggered these feelings). Which... I suppose means you did a great job at making an engaging story with a likable character.

So yeah, keep it going👍

2023-10-28 04:53:37

On Jo comes to terms with the loss of Piper

A recipe for disaster for sure.

2023-10-25 17:54:50

On The Obvious Proximity Stone

Will she ever find happiness? 😭

2023-10-22 17:51:17

On Jo gains Robin's work ethic

@lifesmainantagonist I suppose, since he specifically used the word "wish", the stone could've interpreted it as "wishing with the stone" - normally you can't make contradictory wishes, but this would allow you to bypass thar limitation. At least that's the only explainaition I could think of that would prevent what you said from happening.

On a semi-related note, I'm surprised how well-written and entertaining this is, considering the strange, (most likely) fetish-fueled concept. I guess it's the execution that counts, not the idea.

2023-10-22 17:47:32

On Sex Ball: Learning one's limitations

"Bizarre punishment" indeed. 😳

2023-10-22 17:19:49

On Having a Sex ball

Bruh moment

2023-10-18 10:12:28

On Paradox

Once again, excellent job on the writing. Reading about Jon's new, girly (and occasionally pleasant) experiences... it actually made me feel a little warm inside! I even tried putting my legs together like s/he was told to.

Uh, I swear I'm not trans! 😳 Just curious!

A-anyway, looking forward to the next chapter, whenever that will be!

2023-10-17 09:23:21

On Karyn shares the feminine experience...

I wonder how much of "being in collage" Jon copied. Did it just take "Jon is now a college student" and go from there, based on how Jon would act? Or did it also take other aspects from the girl he copied it from, like where he studied and who his roommate is? Obviously, as time went on, his life became more and more different from "now" due to all of the changes stacking on top of eachother, but at the time of this chapter, how much of Jon's new life is his own?

2023-10-13 12:43:33

On Jon becomes a college student

@Bunnie I assume they meant "fetal position".

2023-10-08 16:25:33

On Never shuts up

Hey, that was pretty nicely written for a simple MTF. 👍

(though I will admit it took me an embarrassingly long time to realise what "that time of the month" meant :/)

2023-10-05 04:29:07

On Jon wakes up as an *entirely* normal girl...

"As someone with an amateur interest in Polish, I'm driven bonkers by a Polish-like name that's slightly off!"

As an actual Pole, female surnames not being "gendered" (like Skłodowska👩, as opposed to Skłodowski👨) is a big pet peeve of mine. Then again, my main teacher's (or whatever you'd call it in English) surname is "Cichy👨", not "Cicha👩", so I guess it's not a hard rule.

...uhh, sorry for necroposting. 😅

2023-10-02 17:45:14

On Rachel's details

That was a very well-writter pair of transformations.

2023-09-30 04:16:23

On A Startling Transformation

Now I'm curious what exact wish created those changes... or why Zoe is seemingly the only one who notices anything's different.

2023-09-23 10:15:03

On A World Gone Mad

This could prove... interesting if the changes continued.

2023-09-22 17:42:35

On DMU - Lydia’s morning continued

It still feels a bit... weird (like, uncomfotably weird, if that makes sense) to me that Jo is so quick to be OK with being female and - more importantly - view herself as separate from Jon, who she used to be (and it's not even subtle). I mean, it makes sense when you think about it and it's interesting to read, so I'm not really opposed to it (in fact, I really like how she doesn't have a "wow" moment when she sees her pussy for the "first" time). It just... gives me weird feelings. :/

Still, I'm curious where this story is gonna head to and I'm looking forward to more in the future.

2023-09-22 04:20:53

On Jo studies her new body

But, enough talk. Have an upvote! :)

2023-09-20 06:39:31

On Ah! A WASP!

No worries, this wasn't really confusing.
(I tried phrasing it in a way that wouldn't sound sarcastic, though I might've ended up sounding weird/"ESL-y" instead)

2023-09-16 12:38:48

On A New Karyn's Thoughts

It's not often that FtM gets the same treatment as MtF normally does in terms of writing. Usually it's either not really elaborated on or it feels like something to contrast the other transformation.

I'm not saying it's amazing or anything, but it's a nice little breath of freah air.

2023-09-16 12:34:05

On A Step Through The Sliding Door

And that's why ultra-advanced, sentient AI is/will be a mistake, at least in terms of ethics.

2023-09-16 10:39:55

On A White Void

"Pandora's box had been opened and it was for sale, as is.

Sleep tight Jon.

Your perfect wish has given us a garage sale for the ages."

That's a really creepy note to end a chapter on. o_o

2023-09-16 10:13:14

On Be Ready to Haggle

"Jon’s penis sprung free, standing proud"

Me: (tries his hardest to resist singing "Stand Proud" from JoJo part 3) 😫

2023-09-15 08:30:28

On The Date

Always look at the positives in your life! Now if only I listened to that advice, that would've been great...

2023-09-13 18:54:54

On Jo wresltes with the fallout of becoming fully female

"I don't think I can wish her back to life,"

You sure? I don't see a reason why either you - the writer - or the charaters would think it wouldn't be possible. It's not like Jon directly wished for Sarah to die, it's just a consequence of his use of the swapping power. If he can wish to change the reason of her death, I'm sure he'd be able to wish her back to life/she never died at all... though I'm not sure how she'd react and/or if it's a good idea.

Point is: there's nothing in-universe that would suggest you can't wish people back to life.

Then again, this WAS made in 2009...

2023-09-05 08:18:12

On Sarah shoots Jon

WOAB WOAH WOAH that went from 0 to 100 really fast at the end. o_o Guess she is still a bitch after all.

2023-09-04 19:27:01

On Sarah McMillan comes to visit

"Then why does it feel so alien to me?"

And why do I find it SO hot? I mean, I know I'm apparently into unaware, body part swaps with sexual (under?)tones now after reading that one story on DeviantArt, but still - this much? Is it just because it's new and good?

A-anyway, really looking foward to next chapter, whenever that may be, though with how recent this one is, I'm having good hopes. 😄

2023-09-04 19:21:26

On Round Two

Wow. That was a really nice "branch-opening" episode. Definitely got me interested for what's to come.

2023-09-04 18:15:02

On A Frank and Honest Discussion of Boobs and Feelings

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