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Once I got started on this part, it went through so many rewrites. Time to actually progress.
So it does. I’ll get that sorted shortly!
I'd say it's just what Jon's wearing that changed.
Just a quick recap of events thus far. Now to work on what comes next!
On Taking Stock
Tried three times to get the image to show, and it's not worked.
On Eyeliner
Erm, Jon can't get to Zoe, she's got a privacy spell on her room. Jon can't even look at the door.
On Sissy Curse: Daring Escape!
Are things like makeup and hair included in the swap, or do they stay as is?
So, including the ones from the previous page, we have:
Alright then, we have ourselves a Harem.
On Harem Anime Life: Filling out the Cast
The reaction I described was actually one we ended up doing in my old school. We had a small scorch mark on the ceiling for a while after that.
Thanks for mentioning that, I missed it. I made the edit.
On A Briefing
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