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Loving this thread! Really hope people continue it for other family members too
Loving these role swaps. Can we have the next one be Jon's dad swapping with a 5 year old rich girl whose a spoiled princess? I think that would really add some variety to all this and lead to some fun scenarios
On Cecily Vanderfield, Nursing Student
Yay! I'm so happy someone added to family acting! I would love to see this storyline continue! You're really good!
On The New Bethany Enjoys Being Young
Hey! I'm really enjoying your role exchanger story! It's a great way to destress on a Sunday. I'd love to see where this goes. Are there any more swaps between people coming? Like Mikey and Sarah, the dad and a little girl? Those kind of chapters have appeared before but no one ever developed them. It's your story. I hope you're having as much fun as we are reading it! If you do choose those paths though, I'd love to see where they go! I'll be checking this story all day cus I'm so excited! Thanks for all your hard work!
On Role Exchanger: Out in public
Hey! I really like the family acting storyline. Would you be up for continuing this thread or maybe another family acting thread?
On Mikey
Really love to see this getting continued! Hopefully there's more to come!
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