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Omiar's profile

Member since 2023-05-22 20:37:58

Call me Omiar. Some years ago--never mind how long precisely--having little or no money in my purse but an abundance of spare time, and nothing particular to interest me in mundane bookstores, I thought I would devote myself to writing stories. But not just any stories, mind you. No, I wanted to write tales of transformation, of characters becoming someone else entirely. I wanted to explore the psychological and emotional turmoil that comes with such a drastic change, to push the boundaries of what's considered "normal," and to delve into the taboo and the transgressive.

For me, writing TG fiction is about more than just telling a good story. It's about challenging society's preconceptions and pushing the boundaries of what's acceptable. It's about exploring the fluidity of gender and identity and showing that there's no one "right" way to be. It's about giving voice to those who have been silenced, marginalized, or ignored, and celebrating the diversity and complexity of human experience.

Sure, some might see my stories as a bit...risqué. But to me, there's nothing more thrilling than taking a taboo subject and exploring it in all its messy, complicated glory. I want my readers to feel a sense of liberation and possibility when they read my work, to see that there's a whole world out there waiting to be explored.

So that's why I write TG fiction, my friends. To challenge, to explore, and to celebrate. And who knows where my stories will take me next? But wherever it is, you can bet that it'll be a wild and wonderful ride.

Recent Episodes

Will Jon ever arrive home in this branch? That was left hanging a ways above.

2023-05-27 10:52:22

On The Little Witch

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