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Hikaru's profile

Member since 2005-01-18 08:47:41

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Can a wishing coin reverse a stone wish or vice versa, or a wishing coin reverse another wishing coin wish?

2022-07-28 04:23:03

On A letter explaining what the Wishing Coins are

I was thinking it could be messed up if the perfect partners wish worked properly, but Jon messed up a wish in some other way and the perfect partners made it worse--Jon changes into a girl for some other, temporary reason, and the perfect partners wish finds him a partner while he's a girl.

2022-06-19 10:25:17

On Suprises Close To Home

The boilerplate text about continuity errors is probably 20 years old and nobody really cares about it. Also, you should be able to edit or delete posts.

2022-02-05 18:51:27

On Possible Mistake While Adding

Time travel is the solution for lots of things. "Oh, no, I made a wish to change the sun and it was a special time when the wish range was bigger than normal so I can't do it for another six months". Travel back in time to when it happened and make the wish to change it.

And any wish that "can't be reversed" can be reversed by travelling back in time to just before the wish was made, and making your new wish the one that came first and can't be reversed.

2021-06-11 16:21:34

On Universe's End solution?

Most of my stories were posted a long time ago, but how about this?

2021-05-08 02:24:18

On Storylines worth continuing

Is Nick actually Megan's twin at this point? He dropped the medallion after the effect went up to his waist.

2021-03-19 02:26:19

On Exhausted

If someone says they want a girlfriend, does she give birth to one? What if someone asks for a car? Can people ask for things that don't exist now ("I want a wishing stone")?

2019-09-11 05:27:47

On The last transformation of the show

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