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8. Scott has questions

7. waiting downstairs

6. Aunt Sharon

5. Susan arrives

4. Wrong choice

3. ... and frowned

2. Scott

1. Altered Fates

Scott has questions

on 2005-04-24 06:31:48

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Scott was trying to get his mind off his problem by watching TV, but of course that proved pretty much impossible. And during the end credits of the second movie, he started wondering about some things.

"Wait a minute," said Scott. "Aunt Sharon... If Mom had a C-section, that's done for a reason, right? Like it's not safe to give birth the regular way. Then it wouldn't be safe for me either, would it?"

"Well, you'd think that," replied Sharon. "But it's fine. I won't go into the medical details, but basically they were worried about something that wasn't true. Your mother could have had a regular birth if we had known, so you can too."

"And another thing. You know how to deliver babies, but don't you need some surgical tools for that? You can't deliver a baby with your bare hands and nothing else, can you?"

"It's not exactly surgery since it isn't a C-section, but anyway, we still have some time. I can get what I need, I just wanted to wait for Susan and your Dad to come home first."

And at about that point, someone rang the bell, and Susan's voice could be heard outside yelling "Hello... It's us! Sharon, are you here?"

Scott grumbled. "So not only am I pregnant, Mom and Dad expect me to be asleep by now and they'll get mad at me for staying up past my bedtime."

"I think you have an excuse," said Sharon, and then she walked over the door to let Alan and Susan in.

Alan looked over at Scott, and then back at Susan. His jaw was hanging wide open. It took a moment for Susan to realize what she was seeing, and then her jaw went wide too.

"Who-- who is she?" said Alan. "She looks like Susan! I know we don't have any unknown nieces, let alone pregnant ones."

"She really does--" said Susan. "Too much like me. Like she could be my younger twin sister."

"Mom, Dad," said Scott. "I'm not a niece, and I'm not you. I'm Scott. Look, why don't you sit down and I'll explain everything."

"Please... I was nearly in a panic when I heard about it," said Sharon. "You have to listen."

"Okay," said Alan. "But this had better be good. I mean, 'Scott'?"

"I see," said Alan. "So what happened to this strange medallion?"

Scott held up the medallion, which was around his neck. "I have it. My neck is probably the safest place right now, since it can't change me. Do you have any old clothes you can try it on?"

"I have a class ring I last ten years ago. Would that work?"

"I suppose." Scott gave him the medallion.

Alan went upstairs for the ring while Susan carefully watched the person she still wasn't quite sure was Scott. He returned and put the medallion around his neck, touching it to the ring. In a few seconds there was noticeably less gray in his hair. "And look at this!"

"What?" asked Susan.

"The scar. The one on my arm that I got from that accident. It's gone!" He held his arm out and the two inch long mark had completely vanished. "I could feel the flesh moving a little bit... This is all real!"

"Scott!" exclaimed Susan and tried to hug her obviously distraught son as best as she could. "It's really you. It's okay, Scott. But you made a bad mistake. What are we going to do?"

"I made a mistake," said Scott, "but I also found something amazing. You realize we can all live forever now, by doing what Dad just did?"

"Or do other things with it," said Susan, no doubt imagining things she could do in private with Alan.

"Does this mean you're taking it?" asked Scott.

"I don't think so," said Alan. "You got it fair and square... mostly, anyway. If you won a million dollars, would we just take that because we wanted the million dollars for ourselves? But I think I'm going to hold it for now. You can cause too much trouble with it."

"Uh, Dad? Ow..." Scott grimaced as he felt another contraction. "When can I get it back, then?" he continued.

"Later. For now, if you want to use it you can ask me or your Mom first. If we think it's safe, we'll let you."

"But what if it's something I'm embarassed to ask for?"

"Then you can wait until we give it back for good. You know, I never thought my son would be irresponsible enough to get pregnant. And by the way, it's past your bedtime."

"I know," said Scott. "I bet I'll be sleeping on my back now," he said. Scott turned off the TV and paused, not at a contraction this time, but because he felt the baby kicking. Then Scott tried to walk upstairs, which didn't work well. Finally, his mother helped him up the stairs. Sharon drove home, and after Scott was in bed, Susan and Alan discussed the situation.

And the next day, Sharon returned with the needed equipment, and...

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