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12. Extreme Makeover

11. Karyn Changes Jon

10. Karyn Figures Out How It Works

9. full bra

8. John C cup Breast

7. Effect of the Lie

6. John bra

5. No rock yet..

4. Mysterious Trinkets

3. A couple months down the road

2. Jon decides this thing is bad

1. You Are What You Wish

Into the Salon

on 2005-11-21 08:59:35

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"So what do you want to do now, Jenna?"

"Hmmm - oh, I know! I am so in need of a style job, Karyn! Let's go to NuBeauty Salon!"

"Okay," Karyn said, a little surprised. She'd expected a visit the food court or the bookstore - maybe even something like one of the smaller clothing stores. Certainly not a trip to something as determinedly feminine as the Beauty Salon. But Jenna was now a girl. And there were times when a girl just felt like a little pampering.

At first, it felt odd to be talking to another girl the way she was used to talking to Jon - but it quickly became less strange as she found that in addition to talking to Jenna about "geeky" stuff like scifi TV and gaming, she also felt at home talking about "girly" stuff, such as periods and make-up and even guys, that would have left Jon feeling confused or embarassed or both.

At NuBeauty, both girls got their hair cut, styled and frosted, along with a manicure, pedicure and a facial. As they sat in the chairs, dressed in smocks, with greenish goop spread across their faces, Karyn and Jenna talked and laughed and whispered, and Karyn felt as if they had been doing this forever.

"Omigawd, I feel so much better," Jenna exclaimed as they left. "And Karyn, you look so great!"

"So do you," Karyn replied. And it was true. With her hair freshly curled and frosted lightly blonde, fashionably extended fingernails in Cinnamon Red (and matching toenails) and a light layer of make-up over a scrubbed and cleansed face, Jenna was positively glowing! Karyn couldn't remember the last time she'd had so much fun at the mall - even with Jon.

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