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6. A Wolf in the Fold

5. Queke goes off by himself

4. Jake wakes up the others

3. The edifice

2. things go elsewhere

1. You Are What You Wish

A Wolf in the Fold

on 2001-02-25 21:51:12

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**When the evil Harker, in Queke's body, saw Biff he knew he would rather be in his body. He just had to bide his time.

"Everyone back in the cryo-capsules. I'll wake you when we get back to Earth" Biff told them as he thought to himself that after Max and Queke were in the capsules he could have a little fun with Bella.

"Hold on," said Harker thinking quickly, "give us a few hours to stretch & relax. Plus we need to sort this stuff." Biff thought the sorting could wait but Max and Bella agreed with the person they thought to be Queke so Biff had to wait for his fun time with Bella. Biff stormed up to the bridge while the rest sorted out the loot.

After Biff left, Harker pulled out his concealed stunner and shot both Max and Bella. After striping Max and putting a collar around his neck he put him into a cryo-capsule and switched bodies with Bella. He then put Bella, in Queke's body, in the same fashion into a capsule. Harker with stunner in hand went to find Biff as she thought about the fun she would have once Biff was in this body.**

Back on the station the real Queke had just been raped by the second man when the cute red head came running back from the other room yelling she couldn't figure out how to operate the transference device. "Take the collar off so she can tell us how to use it" the red head screamed.

"She's pretty tricky, we'd better tie her up first just to be safe" the first man decided. They found some wire and bound Queke's hands behind her back and then tied her feet together. After rolling her on her stomach they tied her feet to her hands. "That should do it, I think we can take the collar off now."

The Brunette took the collar off and instantly Queke started to cry, the enormity of the rapes hit her. The collar had not only sapped her of her phyiscal will but also of her mental will. She would have gone along with anything when she had that collar on, but now she felt the full weight of what she would have felt had the collar not been there during the rapes. The red head was yelling at her to tell her where the module was but Queke couldn't stop crying.

The first man said "Look, Zane, we've got plenty of time, there's no rush. Just let her be for a while. Don't worry we'll get the information from her eventually."

"That's easy for you to say Rodger, you've already had her!" and with that Zane started dragging Queke to the room with the transference device. Rodger, looking at the tied up woman being dragged away, was begining to feel guilty.

On the ship Biff heard someone enter the bridge. He turned around and saw Bella, but she had a gun! Biff heard Bella laughing as everything went black.

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