"I think I know how to solve my problem that I have with your class," said Nicole.
"What problem? What about MY problem," said John as he pointed to the female gym clothes that he was wearing.
"My problem is that the school scheduled a boys gym class during our cheerleader practice. Do you know how humiliating it is to have guys ogling you when you are doing stretching exercises. Shit, it's like your entire class drops everything that they are doing when we start to do our squats. HAving an entire class of boys looking at your ass is not what I signed up for when I became a cheerleader. As for your problem, well I'm sure that my wish can solve that too. You'll be back into clothes that suit you better in no time," said Nicole with a devilish smile.
"Wait! Don't...," said John the moment that he realized what she was going to do.
"Too late. I wish..."