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5. First things first...

4. Errogenous zones

3. A little something extra...

2. Finally... a wand storyline.

1. You Are What You Wish

First things first...

on 2000-12-15 15:17:01

1313 hits, 48 views, 0 upvotes.

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First his outer clothes... disappeared... just disappeared.

So did Karen's. And the rock and the wand disappeared, reappeared a few dozen yards away... with their clothes... and all Jon could sputter out was "This is NOT good." It's strange, the rock thought to itself, in so many parallel universes, in so many different situations, its amazing how often he comes up with that same bland rejoinder to the massive changes he goes through.

What a pity.

Karen: stripped down to unflattering gray sport-panties, a somewhat over-small plain white bra and little blue toesy socks... looks a little awkward, a little too young and wholesome for her large chest... but beautiful.

John: the opposite, stripped down to a wife-beater undershirt, tighty-whitey underwear (fitting awkwardly around his manhood) and dirty tube socks. Scrawny, pasty, gangly... moreover a little too hairy (and darkly hairy as well) for such a colourless body. Karen may be odd in her somewhat overinnocent sexiness but at least she makes sense... John is skinny or thick or lumpy in varying places, in ways that never seem to come together to make sense.

Magic takes the path of least resistance, does the easy work first...

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